My desktop changes every minute to one of many random pictures have stored on my PC. This one made me want to share it...mainly with Cris and Carrie :) i was gonna do the whole
the_duke thing with teir names just now but I cannae remember them. Cris is Pheonix81, possibly, and Carrie is Fighting_Dreamer, athough I also think that Carrie spells it different from my way there.
New paragraphs are good ways of stopping a bad train of thought and beinning new ones. When I makeposts I have a habit of just typing what I think and it can lead to long sentences and even longer paragraphs. I make entries as if I'm telling someone about this, about what I am thinking, doing, wanting. I want to make more entries, thismuch I am sure of. When it begins, takes hold, captivates, it will be shiny and happy, people.
Hold Hands!