Jul 07, 2006 02:57
best movie ever...ok, maybe not ever.
but it definately stands up to the first one.
if you dont like cliffhangers avoid this movie.
ok, so the whole entire movie revolves around the Davy Jones myths and all and at the end Jack gets eaten by the Kragon (sp?) i.e. the giant octopus of doom. however we're told by creepy swamp woman, that if they crew is willing to sail to "de ennnds of de earrrrrthhhhhhhhh" that they can get JAck and the black pearl back. (the black pearl got eaten too, hungry octopussy.) and then....guess who comes back.....guess.
your not gonna guess so ill tell you.
barbosa....what the helk. but its gonna be an awesome thurd moobie! =D XD
its already filming..thank god. or....thank the movie gods...if you swing that way.