Apr 09, 2007 01:11
i`m having a lot of conflicting emotions welling up to the surface right now.
i feel really good, really excited. i like the monologue i chose from the show called Half-Life. the monologue is basically one big extended metaphor relating how the careers of actors/writers/artists/politicians leave lasting societal impressions just as a radioactive isotope leaves its own mark on the world through its half-life. the character, Jay, is holding an actor turned US Senator captive for hostage to get her name in the history books. yes, she is cool and articulate.
i like a lady who likes me who makes plans with me to meet my mommy. sometimes i feel like just smiling and sighing all day, until my cheeks are pink and sore and i`m tired because she makes me feel so good. it is very nice to be with someone who knows what they want, as much as one can at eighteen and twenty. to be with someone who holds things you hold dear... dear to themselves, too. who goes to the park with you to swing on swings and eat tacos under a tree on a bench and sit together.
i like learning new songs on guitar. i`m scared for the audition at Cedar Crest on Sunday. i`m scared for college in general, for making money to support myself at college because i want to try to not put mommy and daddy in any more debt than they`re already in. i hope i get this scholarship. i don`t know what to sing, or how i`m going to pull it off unable to play piano. i guess i will figure it all out. also, i find it funny and weird that everyone planning on going to CCC on facebook is straight. HM. LUGS? (for those of you not in the know, LUGS = Lesbians Until Graduation.)
i like breaks and i like thinking and ignoring the fact that Amby-Pamby expects me to generate 10 pages of notes from probably 8 pages of bullshit text. suck my balls Frankenstein. why couldn`t you be 1984 instead?
hey, how many of you guys remember playing O Magnum in concert band when i was a... sophomore? damn, i feel old. nostalgia makes me sad. :(