Of course, I doubt their sincerity in suggesting we actually bypass the heaving bosoms, but ...

Apr 10, 2009 22:57

As some of you already know, my friend Candy Tan is one of the two fiery, feisty, unrestrained geniuses behind Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Books, the site for women who love a) romance novels and genre fiction, b) meaningful criticism and praise thereof, and c) foul language. Those of you who don't already follow this site for being made of deep-fried awesome may recall last year's story -- featured in NPR, Newsweek, and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, among other places -- about a highly popular romance novelist who got belatedly caught plagiarizing from sources up to and including a scientific article on blackfooted ferrets.

Yeah, Candy and Sarah broke that story.

In their vernacular, I am thrilled as shit to announce the release of their brand-spanking(--and I do mean spanking)-new book Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches' Guide to Romance Novels. I've already ordered copies for myself and three of my relatives, and I highly encourage any of you with $15 to spare to flip that flapjack while it's good and hot. It's got a section called "Choose Your Own Man-Titty" -- what the hell are you waiting for?

Introduction available here: If you were to gather romance readers into one room, that room would circle the earth seventeen times and do the hokey-pokey while it turned itself around. Most likely we'd all get seasick. But while we fought for the Dramamine, no doubt we'd notice that romance readers represent an astonishing cross section of political, social, religious, and economic groups. According to the oft-quoted statistic from Romance Writers of America (RWA), one out of every five people reads romance. This is, in mathematically correct notation, "a shitfuckton of people."

se, of the good, reading, gender in the media, hilarity, sexuality in the media

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