There's something deeply satisfying about calling bullshit on this.

Nov 30, 2008 15:46

I don't count calories. I've developed a sweet tooth. I don't ration my portion sizes. I eat as many snacks as I want, and more than my body needs to fuel itself. I don't go to a gym. I currently weigh as much as I ever have -- more than I have in seven years, at what was probably my most unhealthy period in college.

And you know what? I wear it differently now.

My shoulders, arms, ass, and thighs are as muscled (if not more) as they were when I spent three years playing water polo in high school. I bike eight miles a day at least five days out of the week because that's how I get around town. And as a study break, I just ran a mile and a half over varied topography with less effort than I ever have in my life and then did seventy-two push-ups on my front porch.

Fuck you, women's health/fitness/beauty industry. You lie.

i am occasionally a girl, behold my muscles

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