This was a rockingest few days-- thanks, universe.

Jun 14, 2006 00:46

So, Mountain Goats didn't end up happening Saturday night--sold out, curses, but we cut our losses and went to a bargain brewpub screening of V for Vendetta. My birthday party on Sunday was a massive success, probably my best in years: we bought a Weber and a cooler, my girlfriend was grillmaster, our friends ran around the park, played on the playground equipment, got hit with balls, socialized with each other, and generally had a good time. I also found out that two of my good college friends not only aren't leaving the state for med/nursing school, they're buying a house here, so yay on that. And tonight, I took the scooter out for my first solo/unsupervised ride, and it was excellent. I need to work on my throttle control, especially in turns, and I'm not quite up to general speed limit yet (mostly because I still slow down for intersections in case someone doesn't see me), but I was comfortably doing 25 and even visited the sunny side of 30 on some major surface streets. I think I'll do a dry run of the drive to work this weekend. Yippee!
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