Apr 29, 2005 00:00
*Caution: Scenes from the following soap opera may cause rapid drop of the IQ, extreme craving for crackers, and possibly in severe cases even death. Proceed at your own risk.
*Previously on The Drama Llama - Joey and Billy stop fight and play basketball. Tina and Rachel get hit by ginormous truck while driving away from Evil Step Mother playing pattycake.*
We join the subject of Tina's undying devotion at the basketball courts as he plays Billy Scape in a game of horse. In an ironic twist of fate, neither of them knows how to actually SPELL, being that the both of them are just animals. And everyone knows how completely proPOSTerous that is to see animals spell or speak. Terrible grammar. UGH!
Joey: What's the score Billy?
Billy: How would I know?
Joey: I don't know. I just figured you would.
Billy: What's that supposed to mean?
Joey: Let's fight.
Billy: okay.
*large fist fight ensues.*
We now join our heroine (the female hero, not the drug, you silly goose) and her friend Rachel as they lay in the remains of their car and of the gigant-o truck.
Tina: Ow! I can't feel my arms!
Rachel: Tina, that's cause you don't HAVE any arms.
Tina: Oh yeah!
*ambulance comes roaring through scene and completely passes them by*
*ambulance goes in reverse. The ambulance driver sticks his head out of the window*
Driver: Have you girl...and a llama.... seen a derranged milk man carrying a load of tellitubbies yogurt bars by any chance?
Tina and Rachel: No, we haven't.
Tina and Rachel: JINX YOU OWE ME TWO SODA'S!
Tina and Rachel: JINX YOU OWE ME TWO POP'S
Tina and Rachel: JINX YOU OWE ME TWO PoP's
Driver: OK. Bye.
Tina and Rachel: Bye.
Rachel: Mis-Jinx. You can only call jinx on words with two or more syllables... I WIN.
Tina: Ok.
Rachel: Now how bout them soda's.
Tina: Crap.
*We now check in to see how Joey and Billy are doing at the basketball court.*
Joey: Hey man, lets stop fighting and go get some soda's.
Billy: Ok.
*Now we go back to Tina and Rachel, who so very conveniently for our stories sake, skipped talking about anything irrelevant and started talking about Joey.*
Tina: I'm a mess. My hair is p0op0o.. my legs are scratched... I can't let Joey ever see me like this.
Rachel: Lets get you cleaned up and head out for some soda's.
Tina: OK.
*so Tina and Rachel head home in attempt to clean up before heading out to the soda shop.*
*As they enter the house, they spot Evil Step Mother*
Evil Step Mother: ...then I thought about buying you hair curlers, then i realized, you don't have hair... just fuzzy growth EVERYwhere! Then I went to....
Tina: Hey Evil Step Mom. Me and Rachel are going to the soda shop. I need money.
Evil Step Mother: Ok.
Tina: That was easy.
Evil Step Mother: Yes. Yes it was.
*awkward silence*
Tina: So.... how bout that money?
Evil Step Mother: Ok. *hands tina money*
Rachel: I'll wait here while you get ready Tina.
Tina: Ok.
*tina walks off and takes shower while Rachel and Evil Step Mother start talking*
Rachel: I really do envy Tina.
Evil Step Mom: Ok.
Rachel: I think I feel so envious that I want to sing... a song.... about.... ENVY!
Evil Step Mom: Ok.
*music score..*
Rachel:*singing* I envy you.... I'm colored green!
Evil Step Mom:*singing* My name is Evil Step Mom! But I'm not MEEEEEAN!!!
Tina:*in shower singing* If only I could be envied, oh how my life would be complete.
Rachel:*singing* Oh how I would kill to be Tina... if she only had FEEEEEET!!
Evil Step Mom:*singing* She's won the queen of the ball at Pizza-Rama
Even though she, is a llama
Rachel:*singing* If I could, only be trendy!!!!!!
Tina:*singing in shower* If I could only be envied!!!!
Milk Man Delivery GUy:*singing* Pardon me girls, do you have any yogurt sticks?
Or Tellitubby pics? I'm in quite a fix!!!!!
Next Door Neighbor:*singing* They're whole family, likes disturbing me watching Jeopardy.
TV Shows. The question: "WHAT IS THREE's COMPANY!!"
*music stops abruptly*
Next Door Neighbor: was i really singing?
Everyone: YES!
Next Door Neighbor: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*As the neighbor continues to yell "NO!" we move over to Joey and Billy at the Soda Shop*
Joey: I wish Tina was here.
Billy: Me too.
Joey: Maybe she's at home right now taking a shower wanting to come and see me here.
Billy: Yeah. Maybe.
Joey: I love her.
Billy: Me too.
*Since there's no point in hearing this conversation, we shall switch back to Tina and Rachel on their way to the Soda Shop*
Tina: I'm all set and ready. Let's go to the Soda Shop and buy some soda's!
Rachel: YAY! *giggle giggle*
Tina: *tee hee!*
Rachel: Let's act all girly!
Tina: *hehehe* OK! I love Joey! TEE HEE!!
*they start walking around the block to the Soda Shop*
Tina: We're almost there. Yay!
Rachel: Yeah. Hehehe! Totally!
*they enter the shop*
Tina: OMG! I mean, OH MY GOSH! JOEY!
Tina: *blushes*
Joey: *smiles*
Tina: *blushes*
Joey: Hey. I've been meaning to tell you something....
Will our heroine (not the drug. haven't we been over this?) find out that her true love also loves her? Will Joey find out that Tina also has feelings for him? Find out next Friday, same time, same place.