poem - farmers

Jul 13, 2005 22:52

must be nice
being a farmer
the government pays you
not to plant
not to grow
not to work

they even buy you
your $3,000 chairs
your tax breaks grow more
than the crops you don't

you can buy an airplane
complete with hanger
or a swinger's partyhouse
with pool and theater

you can drive nice, new cars
fully loaded, especial
and sit around in cafe's
all morning
while your fields
lay bare
and you don't have to talk
to the waitress
struggling to pay rent
and put food on the table
an her children
through school

you can sit around all winter
doing nothing real
or, if you have to
sit around all summer
letting the machines
do your work
GPS while you watch the market
the price of hogs and beans
on your miniaturecolor TV
inside your cab
AC cranked up

enjoy yourself
while i work my summers away
making sure your dealers
have shiny new decals for you
and making sure
your tractors look nice
as they block my road

but, since i pay taxes
which pay your subsidies
i don't suppose you'd mind
if i borrowed your powerboat
one day?

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