Nov 09, 2005 23:28
this is 4 all 2 c. leonie is no longer a freind 2 me, as far as im concernd, shes dead. she took it too far last nite and is now out of my life 4eva. this however dus not stop ne of u frm still bein freinds wit her, tho i wuld watch ur bak 2 make sure tht theres no knifes in it.
the reson for this hole think is tht she still hasnt told kurt about her and chriss hookin up and i said tht i will give her till jan first 2 tell him or i will, this is 2 allow time for her 2 contact him as she said it is hard to do so, but cum jan 1st, i will be telin him weather she likes it or not.
pls from now on do not tlk 2 me about rumours or truths about her as i will not want 2 know, she has dun enuff so far. and again this dus not stop u from bein freinds but she is dead 2 me and will always be tht way.