Captain Jack's Story.

Sep 30, 2007 13:56

"Something great happened to me last night." I mutter, grinning wide. Its all my teams fault really, they let me go and get this pissed, and the rest of them ain't too good either, but hell, it was me that drunk all of them under the damn table.

"Ohh yeah?" That's Owen.. stupid weevil.. weasel I mean. He's slurring as well, which is always helpful. Makes me feel less drunk. "Care to share then?"

"Depends... its sort of.. me and three other blokes... its up to yous lot." I mumble, something in the back of my head telling me to shut the hell up, but since when do I listen? I look around the table we all sit at in the hub, all the grinning faces, thats nice to see, and they're all nodding, wide eyes and waiting.

"Alright then, it started in a bar, as these things normally do... I can't for the hell of me remember any names, so they're the Gay one, the Bi one and the "Straight" one... " I do the finger motions in the air so that they get my snarky name for the man that had claimed for about a hour that he was straight. "Now, we spent at least four nights in this bar.. somewhere. We got to be friends, but because of things that were happening, we didnt use our names.. now, as I said, I cant remember theirs, but mine was Wolfhound, and they used it to great amounts... loved annoying me with it... As the nights progressed, we got closer, kissing and feeling up, you know.. the stuff you do in a bar..."

I stop for a moment, watching around the table for any sort of discusted look and smiles, seeing none and only a few interested looks and a very blushed Ianto. Now, this could be fun.

"One night, I told them I was being shipped out in a few days... so they told me they had a surpirse. Told me to go to bed. all in all, lovely thoughts as I unlocked the door, them three hovering behind me....

When I went up, into my bedroom, I was jumped on in an instant, blind folded and picked up. I was knelt on the bed, being kissed, deeply and well by one of them, while another shreaded me of my shirt, leaving my tie on. Another appeared behind me as I was distracted and decided to stick his hands down my pants. One in the front, one in the back. One of them must have been reading over my shoulder, while I was talking to someone, as the one behind me and whispered "You've been a bad boy, Wolfhound." Into my ear. I coudn't help but groan at that...

By this time, they're horny and so am I. So, I'm laid down and the bloody collar is put in place. I decide to complain about it while they fix the lead to it and it gets me gagged aswell. They fix both my hands above my head and stretch me out so that my legs are spread and my body stretched tight.

They didn't 'take off' my trousers as such. No, they used a knife and shreaded them off me. Once them and my boxers were gone, they all took turns at feeling me up, driving me to the edge then letting me settle. One of them, a different one from before, kisses me, another starts to coat my cock in lube, as well as my arse. A lot of it, saying as they all like it ruff.

Next thing I know, one of them is hoisting me up against the bonds, killing my arms and legs, but when I'm put back down, the gay is under me. Not in me as yet, but I can feel him hard on the small of my back. His mouth is right next to my ear, telling me what to do and when I don't, I find out that (one) he has the lead and (two) the Bisexual has a whip. The "straight" is still kissing me, before I do as I'm told and lift my chin so he moves down to bite my neck.

The gays fingers slips into my arse easily, causing me to buck and growl,  straight into the hands of the Bisexual, who tells me I had no permission to do that and squeases tight around my cock, causing me to writhe. He has a tight grip.. trust me. All the mean time, the "straight" is slowly making his way down my chest. But then he stops and moves away slightly, leaving me in pain from the Bi still squeasing my cock hard and pleasure from the gays fingers inside me, but also loss because of him disappearing.

I jolt suddenly as the straight husky, scottish tones sound in my ear; "If 'e's in ye, 'nd he's on ye, would ye suck me, Wolfhound?" To this I whimper, his voice is so fucking low! I'm not allowed to buck, but the gay is determined that, now the bi has loosened his grip, he's going to make me buck. The bi is now stroaking me, and there all so bloody trained and Professional about it all! Gods, its killing me and then I jump again as the "straight" grabs my ear and twists it, making me yell, muffled by the gag. "Answer Wolfhound, I'll let you this once..." and he takes off the gag.

I wasn't sure what he wanted me to say, I wasn't actually sure if I had HEARD him right... so I asked him to repeat what he said.. so he did. And I had to think of what I should say back. So I thought, keep it simple and just answer, so I did. "Once they've started, yes...". He seemed happy with the answer and gagged me again, going back to kissing, nuzzling and bitting at my neck.

Meanwhile, the gay has still been fingering me and the Bisexual wanking me. Gods, its so gooood, I want to buck, I want to moan, but I'm not allowed, it's pleassure torture! And then everything stopped. The "Straight", Bi stopped and I felt the gay just, lay still. So I'm left panting, through a gag, sweating like mad, right on the edge, and I swear their all out to get me, I mean, they must have planned this, to get all the timing perfect, though, I couldn't see if they were using hand signals or something...

So, I'm lieing there, confussed to hell about why they've stopped, then I think "maybe there trying to make me do something stupid, so they have a reason to punish me..." So I stay still, a tough thing to do when you can feel the pulse of someones fingertips inside you. At a guess, I was left for about 10 minutes. Nothing happening par the gay behind me breathing, which made his finger rise and fall slightly anyways.

Well, by that time I had my breath back, but thats all that had changed. Then, suddenly, I'm being lifted up, not out of the bonds, just yanking my hips up. I groan from the loss of the gays fingers, earning me for one of them to grab a hand full of my hair, yank back and hiss at me to shut up. Yes, my arms, legs, thighs and neck are all hurting by this point, but I'm happy, Cos I've just felt a hard and long cock pressing inside me. Then, with two hands appearing on my stomach quickly, I'm shoved down. I'm not sure who yelled loudest, me or the gay, but it seems neither of us were expecting it, though I doubt that he wasn't.

So, he's in me, thats got me going again, and once this happened, everthing seemed to start up quickly again. The Bi was in between my legs, basically sucking me to the edge and leaving me for a few seconds before starting again, the gay isn't moving yet and the "Straight" is back kissing my chest, leaving me to find out that it is his hand yanking my hair. The gay gets bored and starts to kiss my neck, causing me to shudder. I expect to get punished for that, but it seems there all too far gone to do so.

Then, everything gets that little more plessurable for me and them. The gag is ripped off and I'm kisses firmly and profficionaly by the "straight", while the bi's mouth disappears and I have a feeling that he's readying himself for me to enter him, though, how that will work with me tied, I couldn't figure out.

Then of course, just once I feel my tip enter the bi's arse, the gay thrusts, making me buck, straight into the bi's arse. All par the "Straight" gasp as the gay and bi start to move. The "Straight" appears next to my ear again, "Wolfhound, you promised...." and I groan. Those two don't stop at all.I had to do as promised really, otherwise I had the feeling that they'd all stop and leave me there... so I did. I took him into my mouth and sucked, licked and scraped my teeth along his length, showing him how much he was missing. This carried on for a while, the "Straight" gay and bi groaning and bucking.
The gays hands slip threw the small space between my skin and the collar, grasping it and yanking me back, forcing the "Straight"'s cock from my mouth. The "straight" goes to pull me fowards again but the gay growls out "Mine" and the "Straight" backs off. I have the worst feeling of being claimed by the Gay and the Bi.
I don't like to feel claimed, gives them sort of rights to do what thery want with you. Hate the feel of it... dont feel like I can say anything with permission otherwise.

The "Straight" is moaning that he wants something so I growl and grab him, telling him to lay close so I can reach, just before the bi gags me again. The gay has yanked my head back onto his shoulder and bites me, as he and the bi move into and around me. I can feel the gays cock pulsing, the Bi tightning and the "straight" writhing under my grip.
It's weird too though, because, from the start, I've thought that they had this all timed and planned, then, all of a sudden, the gay yells out, coming in me, making me buck up into the bi and squease the "Straights" cock, coming myself and also making them two come. After this, we all lay, panting and fell asleep. Not hard for me really, I'm quite comfortable, sandwiched between the two blokes."

I look around again, and grin, looking at the flushed faces.

"Good enough for yous?" I ask, laughing softly and slumping down to rest my head on my folded arms. Little did I notice myself slowly drifting off to sleep.


Ianto sits, staring at his boss, as do the rest, and its only until Owen starts to speak, that his eyes are pulled away from the sleeping form.

"I Told you he was gay!!" Owen says with a loud laugh, louder then he probably want, but Ianto seemed to be the only one near sober.

"He's not Gay. I think he's Bi.." Ianto mutters softly, curious now himself.

"Whatever." Owen mutters before they start to get up and shuffle out, leaving Ianto with a great lump of Jack to somehow get up the stairs and into the cubby hole of a bedroom, since he was the only one that knew it was there... not that he'd tell anyone about that drunk night.

captain jack harkness sex gay bi bisexua

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