I must say that I am disappointed with Bread & Cie's chai latte. Even Aramark makes
a better one. . . . Oh Olympia, how I miss your company. Your verdant trees and lush
seascapes. Your Columbia Gorge juices. Your anarco-bicyclists. Your public transp-
But San Diego is nice too. It's a little bit cooler here, though I see that starting to
change as the summer progresses. Let us see, what do widgets say today? OH
MY GOD. I swear they want me to update that fucking widget engine every time I
start my computer. Guatama Buddah. I've had about enough. Oh well. I'll give in,
otherwise I'll have to deal with it's dialog box everytime I want to see the weather.
OH. Now I'm going to the movies. Cool Cool. I'll continue this later.
3 hours later . . . I saw the Simpsons movie! It was really
funny - funny enough that the fifteen-year-old I was with
didn't get it and hardly laughed. Perfect. Not that I wish to
deny him joy or laughter, but I consider it a sign of good
'Cause you have to know what's going on in this world to
get it. And generally fifteen-year-olds don't know what's
going on in this world. And whatever. Fuck.
Phi really likes the new Tegan and Sara. I think that it is
just okay. Not as good as a bowl of pesto. Which I am
about to indulge in. So wish me luck. Here are some
wild animals. Strapped to a trailer. So they can be
driven to Montana. And reintroduced to their
natural habitat. Hurrah!