Oct 30, 2004 23:23
So I've had a pretty good weekend so far...last night Mo and I went to Halloween USA and some other crazy costume store and fucked around. Man 'o' man I LOVE that girl (even though she makes me wear this gay mask everytime we go into halloween USA). "Go DJ that's my Gegaj" - Thats how we do. Anyway, later that night we went to the movies to go see Saw with a group of people. I had to go up to some random guy that I didnt know (later I found out his name was Dan) and pretend I was with him to get into the movie because I wasn't 17 *Extra gay* but Dan turned out to be a pretty cool guy so it was all good. "Fuck this SHIT" & "Atleast he died in his white tee" -Monik *lol*...priceless. After the movie we hit up Taco Bell then went back to Mo's. It was a pretty damn good night. Skipped out on work this morning and hung out with Nick alittle bit. Now Im just trying to get this project done for Gullett's class.Hmm well Im out. XoXo ~ The Dish