Jul 02, 2004 22:31
Wow it's insane how much can happen in a few weeks.
So everything was going good until last thursday when I got in my car accident (and totaled my truck). Some guy ran a red and smashed in my passenger side, and I know I am very lucky I wasn't seriously injured (just a few cuts from the glass). Good news...I got another car, bad news...it's not the Dakotah (no more tailgating) & I can't drive it until wensday. Then monday I find out my good friend Keith who was my "boyfriend" in 3rd and 4th grade and I went to school with until 7th grade O.D'd on coke last Thursday. So lately I have just been trying to appriciate life and how good I really have it.
Other than those 2 big events happening I have been having a great summer, and have been hanging out with some really awesome people. I miss everyone in Rochester a lot but as soon as I get my car I'll come out and see u guys...hugs and kisses I miss everyone!!! And anyone who wants to come out and stay in Water-tucky with me is more than welcome:)
Ok so I know this is soo gay & so 7th grade but I have a few things to say to people...
Tim - Thank you so much babe for being there and I LOVE hanging out with you. You are one of those people who are there through the good and bad (like when I need someone to pick me up after I get in a car accident *heh*). Who woulda thought we would become so close. We have so many awesome memories, and so many more to make. As me and Monik like to say...Drop it like it's HOTT* I love you xoxox
Monik - Wow so I could write pages on all the crazy stuff and memories we have had already but I won't (it would take tooo long). I think we economically support 7-11 between the Berf Jeekie and the slurpies:)You are awesome and I love you so much. I'll ALWAYS be here for you xoxo
Logan - Two words babe...you know what they are;)& You know I love ya
Kellie - You are so awesome babe and I'm so glad we started hanging out more, this summer is going to be one we will never forget:) I love ya
Bakes - Well we started off a little rocky but I think that this is the beginning of a beatiful friendship *lol* I love you babe and you'r awesome even though u say u'll call and sometimes don't. Oh and I wanna borrow that blue running suit *hehe*
well shit...I could go on and on but it's gunna start to get borring and I know shout outs are totally gay but whatever. There are many more people I would love to say stuff about but i'll save it for next time.
HuGs & KiSsEs xoxoox ~ The Dish