Your Score: Great Race of Yith
You scored 4 Unearthliness, 4 Sheer Horror, 7 Power, and 4 Intelligence!
You are one of the time-space-and-body-travelling race that dwelt on earth in a primordial geological era, only to abandon that time and place for one in the distant future, after the demise of man. You are a meticulous record-keeper, with a fascination for detail, and the ability to travel through time by projecting your mind into the bodies of future or past beings. Of course, the exchange is then complete, and they must for a time live in your curious, immense, conical body, with its powerful claws and prehensile neck-tentacle. Doubtless such a time-travelling mission explains your current interest in OKCupid and apparent human form.
The Your Lovecraftian Entity Test written by
popegrutch on
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The Dating Persona Test