SuperBat Secret Santa fic: Stolen Moments 3 - SuperBatural bonus (PG13)

Feb 08, 2016 11:48

Title: Stolen Moments 3 - SuperBatural bonus! {from tumblr, also at AO3}
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: SuperBat with Destiel references.
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 972
Summary: Bruce has a plan to ensure he and Clark are uninterrupted on their date. It involves cosplay disguises.
Author's Notes: One last SuperBat Secret Santa ficlet for angelcamael, which I absolutely could not resist doing when I saw we had more than one favorite ship in common ;p
Disclaimer: Supernatural, Superman, and Batman aint mine!


“Daily Planet, this is Clark Kent.”

“You free tonight?”

Clark smiles at the sound of the voice on the other end of the line. “I could be. Why?”

“Come to Gotham. Have dinner with me.”

Clark cringes. “Will, uh, the boys be home?” he asks. The last time he and Bruce had tried to spend some time alone together at the Manor hadn’t gone so well. As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough to be caught naked in the act of foreplay by nearly every member of Bruce’s family, they’d all seemed to think his and Bruce’s romantic bubble-bath was something of a hilarity, and had a good laugh at their expense. Jason hadn’t even been there, and yet apparently, he’s now taken to humming the rubber-ducky song whenever he and Bruce cross paths.

“Not risking any more interruptions. We’re going out.”

“We… are?” Clark asks, curiosity piqued.

“There’s a quiet, family-run diner downtown that I think you’d like. Good people, good food.”

“A diner? Isn’t that a little below Bruce Wayne’s usual standard?”

“I’ll be going incognito.”

“Alright,” Clark smirks, wondering what kind of disguise Bruce has planned this time. “I’ll head over at around 7. Perry’s got me swamped today so I probably won’t be able to get out of here until after 6.”

“I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t you head over straight from work instead. Don’t bother going home to get cleaned up or anything, a little 5 o’clock shadow will actually be much more appropriate for your… date.”

“Okay, then,” Clark grins. “The sooner the better.”

“I’ll see you later.”

“Looking forward to it.” Clark smiles, hanging up the phone.

“What are you sitting around grinning for, Kent? Did those articles I assigned you magically write themselves or something?”

“Sorry, Chief.”

“And don’t call me Chief!”


It’s nearly 6:20 by the time Clark makes his way up to the roof of the Planet, so he wraps his trenchcoat tightly around himself, and flies towards Gotham as fast as he can. Once he’s downtown, he hovers in the air for moment, scanning the area for the diner Bruce mentioned, when he sees Bruce waiting for him outside, in full disguise.

And what a disguise.

Old leather jacket, tight torn-jeans, scuffed work-boots… Dirty-blond hair, forest-green eyes, electric-razor stubble instead of Bruce’s usual clean shave… and the sounds of Led Zeppelin filtering softly through the open window of the beautiful black classic Chevy he’s leaning against.

Clark grins, untying the waist of his rumpled trenchcoat and quickly running his fingers through his hair so it stands up in every direction. He waits for the coast to clear, then lands, as quickly and quietly and as close behind Bruce as possible.

“Hello, Dean.”

But of course, Bruce doesn’t startle at his sudden appearance like Dean Winchester would. He merely turns around, with a smirk on his face, and says, “Hey, Cas.”

Clark can’t help but grin, from ear to ear, as Bruce reaches up to caress the stubble on Clark’s jaw. “Perfect,” Bruce says, before leaning in to give Clark a kiss.

“So…” Clark smirks when Bruce pulls away. “It’s Tuesday. Do they do Pig ‘N A Poke here?”

Bruce chuckles. “No. But they do a pretty mean hamburger.”

Clark laughs. “Perfect.”

“Shall we?” Bruce says, taking Clark’s hand, and Clark nods, letting Bruce lead him towards the diner.

“I didn’t know you were a fan of Supernatural,” Clark says once they’re seated at their booth.

“One can only hear the phrase ‘Shirtless Winchesters’ so many times, before one is tempted to see what all the fuss is about,” Bruce smirks, and Clark laughs. “Besides, I knew you were a fan,” Bruce adds.

“Oh,” Clark flushes, pleased. “Yes, well, it’s all Kara can talk about. And like you said, I just got sucked in.”

“Uh-huh,” Bruce arches a knowing eyebrow. Clark blushes even harder.

“So I take it you’re a Dean fan then.”

“Let’s just say… I have a thing for men from Kansas,” Bruce answers, reaching over to cover Clark’s hand with his own. Clark finds himself flushing again.

“You make a very good Dean,” he says. “But I think you’d make a better Castiel.”

“Oh? How so?” Bruce asks.

“Oh you know, the gravelly voice, appearing out of nowhere with all the wrath of an avenging angel…”

“But Dean has the car.”

“Good point,” Clark chuckles.

“And if anyone’s an angel here, it’s you,” Bruce murmurs.

Clark finds himself utterly speechless at that, flushing once more.

“There’s one thing I don’t agree with, though,” Bruce says with an amused quirk on his lips, “In the episode where Dean compares Castiel to… Superman… Then why would Sam be Lois? If Dean’s already compared himself to… Batman… Then wouldn’t that leave Sam to be… Wonder Woman?”

Clark bursts out laughing. “Well, he does have the hair for it!”

“Let’s just hope Diana never watches the show.”


“I had a good time tonight,” Clark says as they leave diner.

“So did I,” Bruce replies, pulling Clark close for another kiss. Clark hums contentedly against Bruce lips, pulling apart with a sigh.

“There’s only one problem, though,” Clark murmurs.


“I want to fly us to bed as quickly as possible, but I don’t want to pass up the opportunity to ride in that beautiful car.”

“You know I hate it when you have to fly me around.”

“Of course, Dean,” Clark smirks.

“I’ve got a better idea anyway. Why don’t we find a secluded alley instead?”

“Why? So I can beat some sense into you?”

“No, Cas. So I can park the car in it while we hop into the backseat.”

“Ooooh that is a very good idea,” Clark moans. “You’re going to be as bowlegged as Dean Winchester by the time I’m through with you, Bruce Wayne.”

~ fin

For the prompt: Bruce and Clark going out to dinner and using aliases so as not to get recognized. They both tease each other about the aliases they chose good-naturedly.

rating: pg-13, genre: fluff, type: fanfiction, pairing: superbat, destiel is my otp, slash, fandom: supernatural, fandom: dcu

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