DCU MASTERLIST (mostly SuperBat and Roliver)

Sep 26, 2015 04:20

Here's all my DC fanstuff! All SLASH unless otherwise indicated. Mostly SuperBat (all continuities) and Roliver (Arrow).

Some of these fics are also posted at AO3 or tumblr, but the complete archive is here :)


Title: Bizarrely Right {from tumblr}
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Superman/Batman, Bizarro/Batzarro
Genre: crack/humor
Word Count: 250
Summary: Superman and Batman get more than they bargained for while monitoring Supergirl's activities.

Title: Call Me If You Need Me {also at AO3}
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Superman/Batman
Genre: angry smut with a dash of angst? some fluff to make up for it.
Warnings: bottom!Bruce, sex machines, dirty talk
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Batman is suffering the effects of Poison Ivy’s lust dust, but Superman refuses to help the way Bruce wants him to. At least Bruce still has his toys...

Title: I Only Have Eyes For You {also at AO3}
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Characters: SuperBat, Martha Kent, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, most of the SuperBat clan is mentioned :)
Genre: Holiday fluff! Always with a touch of angst where Batman is involved, but mostly fluff :)
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Word Count: 3.2k apx
Summary: Bruce realizes the reasons he turned Clark down years ago are no longer valid. He’d said Clark needed someone he could settle down with, start a family with, but somewhere along away Bruce became all those things himself. Some things are all in the timing.

Title: In The Dark {also at AO3}
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Oliver/Roy
Genre: pwp smut, identity porn, hero worship
Warnings/Spoilers: bottom!Roy, masturbation interruptus, fingering, cheating, hints of a dark past, set season 2
Word Count: 2960
Summary: "He knows it’s wrong. It’s not why he wanted to work with the Arrow in the first place. But he just can’t stop imagining it, their bodies pressed together, intimate and close in so many different ways… "

Title: Not Much of a Life {also at AO3, and FF.net}
Rating: Explicit (R)
Pairing/Characters: Oliver/Roy, Tommy
Genre: character piece, sexual content, pre-series
Warnings: prostitution of a minor (but still above the age of consent), strong language, some sexuality issues
Word Count: 1,600
Summary: The night Roy gives his first blowjob… is the night he first meets Oliver Queen. Of course, he doesn’t know it’s Oliver Queen at the time – wouldn’t have even known who the hell Oliver Queen was at the time. All he knows is that some rich asshole has just thrown up all over him.

Title: Swear Words {from tumblr, also at AO3}
Rating: Mature (non-explicit)
Pairing: Superman/Batman
Genre: language!kink, fluff, with a side of angst (because it's Bruce)
Warnings: some bad language
Word Count: 290
Summary: “He knows he’s doing something right when he can make Superman curse like a sailor, but it’s when Clark starts chanting in Kryptonian that Bruce knows it’s really good.”

Title: Time Cannot Erase {also at AO3}
Rating: Mature
Pairing: SuperBat
Genre: future!fic, angst, established relationship, emotional hurt/comfort, sexual content
Word Count: apx 1.1k
Summary: Clark goes to Bruce to deal with the after-effects of the latest Scarecrow's fear toxin. Just another Halloween in Gotham. (for BradyGirl_12's DCU Halloween challenge)

Stolen Moments 'verse (SuperBat Secret Santa '15)

Title: Enough {from tumblr, also at AO3}
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Superman/Batman, Flash
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 484
Summary: Clark and Bruce try to sneak in moments of affection whenever they can.

Title: Is Enough {from tumblr, also at AO3}
Rating: R (Mature)
Pairing/Characters: Superman/Batman and most of the SuperBat family.
Genre: fluff, crack
Word Count: 1450
Summary: Bruce and Clark try to share a relaxing bubble bath together. Operative word: try.

Title: SuperBatural bonus {from tumblr, also at AO3}
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: SuperBat with Destiel references.
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 972
Summary: Bruce has a plan to ensure he and Clark are uninterrupted on their date. It involves cosplay disguises.


SuperBat SCOTUS drabbles collected from tumblr (PG fluff)

minor attempt at some HoodWing dirty-talk (Explicit language)

multi-fandom car!kink drabbles - crack inc Destiel, Sterek, and SuperBat (NC17)

meta discussion re Arrow's Oliray with some SuperBat comparisons

SuperBat discussion and purchases from Supanova 2015

I also post A LOT of scans, gifs, etc at tumblr. Check my LJ tags and links list for fanworks from other fandoms :)

fandom: arrow, fandom: dcu, pairing: superbat, pairing: roliver, masterlist

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