Batman Vs Superman by CRAM Studios (
crossposted at tumblr) Another print purchased from
Comics 2 Movies at Supanova Gold Coast 2015!
Some of you following my tumblr may have noticed my newfound love for
SuperBat. So it was one of my goals to find some awesome Superman/Batman stuff at this year’s Supanova :) I also bought an actual comic book as well!!! (First time since I was a kid!)
I’ve loved these characters since I was a kid, so getting into this ship has felt a lot like coming home. I’ve fallen fast and hard. And that’s due in large part to Jeph Loeb’s Superman/Batman. Don’t get me wrong, Frank Miller’s Dark Knight stuff is fantastic, but it can be a little depressing when it comes to shipping. It was Loeb’s Public Enemies that opened my eyes to these characters as a ship for the first time. I much prefer the dynamic where Superman and Batman are such long-time friends they’re practically an old married couple. (And later, a married couple raising a teenage daughter). I like Batman with a sassy sense of humour, and a Superman that can throw it right back at him.
Then a couple days before Supanova I found out about a Superman/Batman storyline where they travel through several different alternate realities, and I love parallel universe stories so I was like, “I have to read that!” But I thought I’d have to track it down online or something. Then when I got to Supanova, the only Superman/Batman on the stands was that exact story! And it was by Jeph Loeb! And it follows right after the Public Enemies and Apocalypse storylines which I’ve just seen the animated videos of! I bought that thing so fast. And it was the most affordable purchase of that weekend too :s I’ll probably be posting a lot of shippy stuff from that volume in the future :)
I also bought some great prints of Catwoman and comic-book Wolverine (another one of my childhood crushes) from Comics 2 Movies… but Wolverine refuses to stay stuck to my wall. *sighs* How typical of him.