SuperBat drabble: Swear Words (Mature)

Mar 09, 2015 12:04

Title: Swear Words {from tumblr, also at AO3}
Rating: Mature (non-explicit)
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Genre: language!kink, fluff, with a side of angst (because it's Bruce)
Warnings: some bad language
Word Count: 290
Summary: “He knows he’s doing something right when he can make Superman curse like a sailor, but it’s when Clark starts chanting in Kryptonian that Bruce knows it’s really good.”
A/N: My first foray into the SuperBat fandom! And hopefully not my last :)
Disclaimer: Superman and Batman belong to so many other people that aren't me.


“God, Bruce!” Clark groans, throwing his head back and arching against Bruce’s body. “Fuck!”

Bruce buries his smirk in Clark’s skin – so perfectly smooth, unblemished in its indestructibility, yet surprisingly soft against his lips – and grits out a few swear words of his own. He knows he’s doing something right when he can make Superman curse like a sailor, but it’s when Clark starts chanting in Kryptonian that Bruce knows it’s really good.

Kryptonite is not the only thing that can reduce Superman to a shaking mess.

“Kulahn… zhao… uldif!” Bruce hears amongst Clark’s fevered gasps, before Clark is losing control, eyes glowing red with scorching heat just as he clenches his lids shut, tossing his head back with a final cry.

“Jesus,” Bruce hisses as he watches Clark come apart in his arms. He’s so goddamn beautiful. Bruce wishes in moments like these that he were the kind of man that could just say the words – tell Clark how he feels, how Clark makes him feel, everything Clark means to him – but he wouldn’t even know where to begin. Besides, things like hope and grand leaps of faith are Clark’s thing. Bruce would rather cling to what they have. Keep it safe in the dark. Whisper nothing but curses against Clark’s skin as he spills over the edge as well.

It isn’t until Clark finally allows Bruce access to the Fortress’ computer that he learns what Clark’s swear words really mean.

Words like marriage, and love, and forever. Proposals and promises sworn in the heat of passion with a desperation and reverence that Bruce had never understood. Until now.

“Fuck,” Bruce exhales, before he starts digging through the databanks for a few more choice phrases. Words like, yes, you, always.

~ fin

A/N: I may or may not have had to stretch the meanings of some of the Kryptonian words in order to make this work :D

genre: fluff, slash, type: fanfiction, fandom: dcu, pairing: superbat, rating: r

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