Title: Saving The World Before Bedtime (Season
8) {
continued from here}
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Dean+Castiel, Charlie,
mentions of Benny, Naomi, Crowley and Abaddon
Genre: AU, humor, fluff
Spoilers/Warnings: AU references to seasons 8
Word Count: 170
Summary: Playground verse in which everyone is 8
years old and everything becomes fodder for childsplay, girls are
mostly evil (at first), and Dean has to teach Cas how to play
Cowboys because all his ideas suck.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is the brain-spawn of
the almighty Kripke. Im just showing love.
A long time ago in a playground far, far away....
Cas! Whereve you
been, Ive been looking all over for you!
Quiet! Im playing
hide and seek!
Do you want to play
Cowboys with me and Benny?
Shhh! Youre giving
away my hiding place Dean! Just go!
Hey Charlie, Ill
teach you how to play Cowboys if you teach me how to play
Cool! You can be my
Ew! No! I wanna be a
Okay, then you wanna come
over later? Ive got that new video game with the
super-soldier vampires. Or we could watch a movie or something?
Do you like the Wizard of Oz?
Star Wars is my
Me too! I love you!
Whatcha got there
Cmon Cas, let me see!
No! Crowley already broke
one and Naomi will get mad at me if Im not careful with
this one.
Whos Naomi?
My new babysitter. I hate
her. Shes always telling me what to do.
Im sorry I hit you
Its okay Cas, I know
you didnt mean it. Were family.
~ fin
Season 9 bonus:
Im the King of the
Castle and youre a dirty rascal-- Oh hullo. And who might
you be?
Im the queen.