SPN drabble: Saving The World Before Bedtime (Season 7)

Sep 19, 2012 04:20

Title: Saving The World Before Bedtime (Season 7) { continued from here}
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Dean+Castiel, Lucifer, Meg, mentions of Daphne and Kevin
Genre: AU, humor, fluff
Spoilers/Warnings: AU references to seasons 7
Word Count: 150
Summary: Playground verse in which everyone is 8 years old and everything becomes fodder for childsplay, girls are mostly evil (at first), and Dean has to teach Cas how to play Cowboys because all his ideas suck.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is the brain-spawn of the almighty Kripke. I’m just showing love.

A long time ago in a playground far, far away....


“Dean, I don’t feel very well. I think I ate too many gummi-worms.”

“I told ya to lay off the sugar, Cas. Maybe you shouldn’t go swimming today.”






“Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam SAM!”

“Shut up!”

“He said shut up to me!”


“Hey Cas watcha doin?”

“Playing house with Daphne”


“You’re angry.”

“Look Cas, can you just get your brother to leave my brother alone? He’s driving Sammy crazy.”


“Hey Castiel, I'm Meg. You look like you could use a nurse.”


“Sam! Why are you chasing that little Asian kid!”

“We’re playing tag, wanna play?”

“Nah, I think Cas brought a board game or something.”


“Um…Cas? Do you want to play Cowboys with me and Sam?”

“No thank you Dean, I don’t like that game anymore.”

“Okay… well… Watcha doin’ then?”

“Watching the bees.”


“Hey! Get away from Dean you giant… Dick!”


on to Season 8 :D

genre: fluff, spn pairing: dean/castiel, genre: humor/crack, type: fanfiction, rating: g, spn verse: playground, genre: au, destiel is my otp, fandom: supernatural

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