SPN DCBB14: Worlds That Never Were (prologue)

Oct 07, 2014 04:13

Worlds That Never Were ~ prologue

Please see the fic masterpost for warnings and other information.

"Don't talk of worlds that never were
The end is all that's ever true"
from 'Burn' by The Cure

There is a kiss, the kind of which is so profound, that it can change the entire course of your existence. For it is so powerful, that when it happens, all else fades away – time, space, the Universe and everything you think you know about the world you live in. So perfect, that not only does it steal your breath away, but your heart, your mind, your very soul – all are lost to it. Its purity strips away all walls and defences, all lies and facades, all fear and anger and pain, until only truth remains – the essence of who you are and the certainty of knowing. And in this truth there is freedom to be found, joy in sharing it completely with another, and the bliss of becoming more, together.

It is the kind of kiss that is worth waiting lifetimes for – and if ever it is lost – worth spending lifetimes searching for it, over and over again, to find it once more.

A deathly stillness hangs over the streets of Kansas City, the pavements eerily silent, devoid of any movement or signs of life, as if the buildings themselves are holding their breath, awaiting the outcome of events taking placing in a cemetery not far away. Events that may decide the future of all mutant and human kind alike.

An ominous rattle approaches from a distance – the bounce and roll of an empty can down a sidewalk. A whisper of a wind chases it, lifting the corners of loose trash and paper from the ground, almost light enough to be mistaken for a breeze, but for the weight of power it seems to carry, slowly thickening the air. Then suddenly, light and air and movement explode into the night, like a great whooshing exhale, and two men appear in an alley, out of nowhere, collapsing against its walls for support.

For a split second, the shadow of a large pair of wings is illuminated against the alley walls, torn and damaged, in some places nothing but bone without feather – but only for as long as the brief flash of light that heralded the two men’s entrance. The slow stirrings of the winds that came before them keep building though, surely and dangerously, until it’s not just scattered trash that’s shaken loose, but the very fixtures themselves, clattering against their hinges as the ground begins to rumble beneath them.

“I can’t go any further,” the trenchcoated man gasps. “Dean, we must run!”

Dean nods numbly in response, slinging the man’s arm over his shoulder as they lurch out of the alley together.

“They’re gone, Cas. They’re all gone,” he chokes brokenly as they stumble down the street together. “Bobby, Adam…” he trails off, clutching onto Cas for support, where a moment before he had been providing it. They both know that list of names is longer. Much longer. And they both know how that list ends.

That’s when the sky fills with light again, exploding through the night with a big bang, and the two men turn towards the source to see a giant column of incandescent white shooting up into the sky behind them.

“… Sam!” Dean sobs, collapsing to his knees. Horror, grief, and fathomless despair wash over both men, every terrible emotion illuminated on their faces in the bright night. But as the column of light begins to expand, a grim resignation finds its way to only one.

“Dean.” Cas reaches out, gripping Dean’s shoulder, but Dean doesn’t reply, clenching his fists in anguish as he watches the column of light.

Cas falls to his knees, reaching out to cup Dean’s face in his hands and forcing Dean to look at him.

“Dean,” he says again, urgently. “You have to go!”

“Go? Go where?” Dean asks desperately. “It’s all over, Cas.”

“Don’t say that!” Cas hisses, shaking him, but the hopelessness in Dean’s eyes won’t be dislodged. Cas swallows hard. “I still… I still have one flight left.”

“Then go,” Dean begs. “Save yourself, Cas, please.”

“Dean, I won’t make it either way,” Cas says quietly.

Dean reels back at that, his breath leaving him like it’s been sucked directly out of his lungs.

“No,” he gasps, shaking his head in disbelief. “Not you too,” he says, devastation overwhelming him again as the words sink in.

He grabs Cas close, crashing their lips together and pouring everything he has into the kiss – reminding Cas of everything they’ve ever said and done, telling him all the things they never got to say or do – until the dam finally breaks, spilling tears between them.

“I’m sorry, Dean,” Cas whispers.

Dean pulls back, gripping Cas firmly by the arms and looking him straight in the eye. “Then I’m staying right here with you,” he says determinedly.

“No, Dean. I won’t let you,” Cas replies, just as determined, and Dean has a horrible feeling he isn’t going to win this argument.

“Don’t leave me alone, Cas,” he chokes out. “I need you.”

“Dean, you know I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you,” Cas murmurs, soothing his thumbs across Dean’s cheeks. “You won’t be alone, I promise. Just remember that wherever you go, no matter how far, I will always, always love you. No matter what. As long as you remember that, I’ll always be with you,” he says, not a trace of doubt or remorse in his eyes as they roam over Dean’s face, looking their last.

Dean nods numbly, eyes roaming over Cas’ features the same way, trying to memorize every last detail under the light of the still-expanding column behind them, coming to consume and destroy them all.

But even in that horrendously bright white light Dean can still see Cas glowing, soft and golden around his body as he begins to access different planes of time and space. And as the familiar glow brightens, Dean sees the tattered shadows of Cas’ wings slowly manifesting into a physical state. He sobs when he sees how mutilated they are, realizing just how much it must’ve taken for Cas to get them even this far.

But then Cas begins to glow in a way Dean’s never seen before – brighter and more concentrated, but only around his head, the light circling around it like a ring. Like a halo.

It’s the most beautiful thing Dean’s ever seen. Cas is the most beautiful thing Dean’s ever seen. And he doesn’t ever want to have to look away.

But the light begins to glow so bright, his eyes start to burn from its power.

“Cas…” Dean whimpers.

“Shut your eyes, Dean,” Cas whispers as the energy overflows, pouring from his eyes and crackling in the air around them, coming to a crescendo.

Dean nods again, forcing his eyes shut against the onslaught, and presses one last kiss to Cas’ lips.

~ next

rating: nc-17, spn pairing: dean/castiel, type: fanfiction, genre: sci-fi, genre: au, destiel is my otp, slash, spn verse (dcbb): worlds that never were, genre: angst, fandom: supernatural

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