SPN fic: This Is The Very Ecstasy 4/5 (Dean/Cas/Samandriel, NC-17, bdsm AU)

Mar 12, 2014 16:22

“Love insists the loved loves back.”
-- Dante Alighieri


“I did hear right, didn’t I? It was ‘Samandriel?’” Castiel asks.

“Did I… Did I say his name out loud?” Inias stammers in confusion, his eyes sharpening with alarm as he blinks away the haze of post-orgasm glow.

“In your climax,” Cas explains gently.

“Oh,” Inias replies quietly, eyebrows dipping slightly into what Dean thinks might be Inias’ version of a frown. It’s only the slightest change in Inias’ features, but it speaks volumes for someone whose demeanour is usually so calm and placid. Dean doesn’t think Inias is even capable of making such an unpleasant expression as a frown, the way everyone else does.

In any case, Castiel must see it too, because he’s immediately contrite. “I’m sorry, Inias. I didn’t mean to bring up a sensitive topic. What can I do to make it better?” Cas murmurs, holding Inias close, though Dean knows the question is also directed at him, by the worried look Cas sends him over Inias’ shoulder.

Cas’ performance as Inias’ dom has been flawless so far, it’s just unlucky that he would stumble now, at a point when Inias would be feeling especially vulnerable, coming out of his orgasm. Dean’s not surprised though. After the way Inias took everything Cas dished out tonight, so docile and responsive, Dean should’ve known Inias’ limit would be an emotional one, not physical.

“Can we get you anything? Water?” Dean suggests.

“Yes, please,” Inias nods. Dean inches along the couch towards the table by the door, grabbing a complimentary towel and bottle of water. When he turns around again to pass the bottle over he presses in close, wrapping around Inias’ back, keeping Inias warm between his and Cas’ combined body heat.

“You okay there, buddy?” Dean murmurs, gently wiping Inias down with the towel.

“Samandriel is… a friend,” Inias says softly.

“It’s alright Inias, you don’t have to tell us now. We can talk about it some other time,” Castiel murmurs, giving him an out. Considering the relaxed state Inias is in at the moment, he’s more likely to reveal things he might regret sharing later on.

“No,” Inias replies. “I think I need to talk about it.”

Castiel nods, giving him a small, encouraging smile. If that’s what Inias needs from them right now, then so be it.

“Samandriel is… He’s… He’s beautiful,” Inias smiles. “He has blue eyes like yours,” he says, looking up at Castiel. “And freckles like yours,” he adds, turning to look at Dean. “He has the sweetest smile… And such a good heart,” Inias sighs quietly. “I would do anything for him. Which is why I’m here, I suppose.”

“What do you mean?” Castiel frowns in confusion.

Inias takes a deep breath, steeling himself. “Some time ago, he had a… bad experience, subbing for some English man, and… he was hospitalized,” Inias stops, swallowing hard at the painful memory.

Dean grits his teeth, pushing down the memories from his own past. He knows this story all too well. But it helps when Cas reaches around to find his hand, lacing their fingers tightly together. He locks onto Castiel’s eyes and squeezes back, letting Cas’ know he’s alright.

“Go on,” Castiel says, urging Inias to continue.

“Since then… I don’t think he’s been with anyone. He comes here to watch sometimes, but he’s never shown any kind of interest in joining… Until he saw you two last Halloween. That’s why I tried to approach you then.”

“Last Halloween?” Dean exclaims. “But that was a whole year ago! You telling me he hasn’t wanted anyone else since then?”

“What you two have is rare,” Inias replies with a little shrug. “I’ve been trying to find someone else suitable since then, but I haven’t come across anyone that doms with as much… care as you do,” Inias says, giving Castiel a shy smile, and Cas flushes at the praise.

“Wait a minute,” Dean pulls back in disbelief. “You’ve been letting other guys fuck you, so you can find someone to fuck the guy you’re in love with?”

“I’m not-- I’m not in love with him!” Inias protests, eyes widening in alarm again.

“Oh, Inias. Of course you are,” Castiel murmurs. If they hadn’t already heard the way Inias had talked about his friend, the sheer strength of Inias’ protestation would’ve given it away.

Inias crumples at that, unable to hide the truth under the weight of Castiel’s gaze.

“Have you tried telling him how you feel?” Castiel asks.

“I think he knows,” Inias mumbles. “Either way, it wouldn’t matter. I can’t be what he needs. I’m not naturally a bottom, but I’m not a dom either. I thought that I might be able to learn from you, but I simply can’t bear the thought of hurting him! Not after what he’s been through.” Inias buries his face into Castiel’s neck. “Please, can you do it? He needs to be with someone again.”

Cas’ eyes widen over the top of Inias’ head, filled with a mixture of concern and awe, and Dean thinks the same things must be mirrored on his own face. That’s some kind of love, to be able to give the object of your affection up to someone else, without any hope of having them for yourself.

Castiel sighs softly, stroking a hand through Inias’ hair. “You misunderstand, Inias. I’m not actually a dom either,” he murmurs. “Dean is my dom, so the decision likes with him.”

Inias raises his head again, peering at Castiel. “I… never would have guessed,” he says, and Dean gets where the surprise in his voice is coming from. The only times Inias has seen them together have been on the rare occasions that Cas has dommed.

But Dean knows it’s more than that as well.

“He’s been doing great at it, hasn’t he?” Dean grins.

Inias twists away from Cas, turning to look at him. “You must be a wonderful dom,” Inias murmurs.

“He is,” Castiel smiles, pride and adoration in his voice.

“What? Wait a minute, now. What does that have to do with anything?” Dean flushes, confused. “I was a terrible dom at first. Not like Cas. I was so angry back then, I pushed too hard, I didn’t really care about anyone but myself--”

“Dean,” Castiel interrupts, squeezing his hand firmly. “That was a long time ago. And you’re not like that anymore. Everything I may know now, I learned from you. So if I’m any good at it, it’s because you are.”

“…Oh…” Dean replies unintelligently. “Um… okay,” he stammers, at a loss for words, because… wow. He never thought of it that way before. And that just makes him feel… wow.

Maybe that’s what he likes about this whole thing with Inias. Maybe it’s like watching an extension of himself – the good parts of himself – out on display so he can see them better, and maybe learn how to… accept them. Maybe learn that there’s more to him than his many mistakes.

So maybe Cas is really the teacher here, not him. Cas knows all his sins, and still loves him. And Dean loves him for it. That’s what’s really saved Dean. Not all those years of anonymous sex, fighting for some illusion of control. But surrender, and true acceptance.

And goddamnit, if only him and Cas were alone right now.

“Will you help my friend, please?” Inias begs. “I think he might feel even safer with two doms like yourself taking care of him.”

“Dean, you’re probably in a unique position to understand what Inias’ friend is going through right now as well,” Cas adds quietly. And he has a point there. Dean knows exactly what Inias’ friend needs, and it’s a lot more than he and Cas will probably be able to give him.

But maybe they can point him in the right direction.

“Okay. We’ll do it,” Dean finally relents. “Now let’s get dressed and take this chick-flick upstairs to the bar. I need a real drink.”


Dean’s just smacking his lips around a mouthful of whisky when a soft voice calls out from somewhere behind them.


“Samandriel!” Inias blurts in surprise, turning towards the voice, and both Dean and Cas whip around as well. What they see is an attractive young man with sandy-blond hair, blue eyes and freckles, exactly as Inias described. He’s freakin’ adorable. Though he’s probably older than he appears, if he’s been around as long as Inias says he has. Basically, he’s one of the sweetest little twinks Dean’s ever laid eyes on. And the thought of someone hurting the kid makes Dean’s blood boil.

It seems Samandriel already has his protector though. It’s obvious from the way Inias looks at the kid that Inias is in love with him.

Maybe Inias is so love-blinded, that he doesn’t see Samandriel looks at him the same way.

“I thought… I thought you weren’t coming tonight!” Inias stammers, clearly caught off guard by Samandriel’s sudden appearance.

“My plans fell through,” Samandriel replies distractedly, glancing at Dean and Cas.

“Um, you remember Castiel and Dean?” Inias squirms nervously, flushing. Samandriel nods and smiles at them pleasantly enough, but Dean can see the confusion in Samandriel’s eyes as he looks at them all, sitting there together, and looking very post-coital. “This is Samandriel,” Inias introduces the kid, and Dean doesn’t know how anyone could miss the adoration in his voice when he does it.

“Hello,” Castiel smiles. Dean gives the kid a little nod. Now that he’s looking directly into the kid’s eyes, Dean can see the guarded and closed-off edges hidden there. It’s been a while since Dean’s seen that look in his own eyes, but he still remembers it.

“It’s been a long time since I last saw you here. What brings you back?” Samandriel asks politely, making small talk.

“Um…” Castiel’s smile falters, his eyes darting towards Inias. Dean knows Castiel would want to respect Inias’ privacy, no matter who was asking, let alone the person Inias is in love with – but it’s too late. In that one moment, Samandriel puts the pieces together, and the damage is done.

“Oh,” Samandriel says quietly, forcing a smile. And it’s not envy in Samandriel’s eyes when he finally looks at Inias again, that Inias has spent the night with Dean and Cas, but disappointment, and something that looks a lot like barely concealed heart-break. He’s upset at the thought that Inias has been with someone else at all, regardless of who it is. Though Dean’s not yet sure whether the kid’s aware of it or not.

“Dean,” Cas murmurs, not missing the exchange either, seeking out his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Yeah, I know, Cas,” Dean replies, squeezing back. He’s already agreed to do this thing with Samandriel anyway. Even before seeing for himself how adorable the kid is. But even if Samandriel hadn’t turned out to be everything Inias said the kid was, Dean would’ve done it anyway. Because Cas wants to.

They spend some more time making small talk with the kid, so they aren’t too obvious about Inias’ involvement in it, but eventually Dean makes the invitation. Samandriel is surprised, but pleased, and before they leave Cas exchanges numbers with him so they can sort out the details. Inias shoots them another grateful smile as they go.

When they eventually make the call, it seems Inias has gone ahead and filled Samandriel in on all the details of their encounter. Samandriel still seems a little forced whenever he mentions Inias’ night with them, but he does seem genuinely eager now that he knows both Dean and Cas can be doms – as Inias predicted. It means Samandriel will be the sole focus of their attention. And it means they’ll be able to keep each other in check, though neither of them are really likely to lose control. But as long as Samandriel is reassured, then that’s all that matters.

They have several conversations with Samandriel over the following weeks, doing everything they can to help Samandriel feel comfortable with them before setting a date. Samandriel is always friendly and polite over the phone, at times, bubbly even. He makes Dean think of sunshine. Dean starts to understand why Inias is so in love with the kid.

When they finally call The Pit to make a booking, Dean makes sure they get the same type of room as last time – with couches instead of a bed – just in case Samandriel isn’t ready for the latter yet. The couch is noncommittal, nice and neutral. Whatever happens, at least Dean’s VIP membership is finally getting some use, after a year away.

They meet Samandriel at the bar, and the kid couldn’t be more adorable, smiling shyly at them like a blushing bride, all excitement and nerves – but mostly excitement. The kid’s more than ready to get back in the scene. But Dean’s still going to play it careful anyway. Unlike with Inias, they don’t head downstairs to the private rooms straight away. Dean orders a drink first, and they sit at the bar making small-talk until the kid calms down a bit, before they change location.

This time, when they enter the room, Dean turns the lights down a notch instead of up – just enough to relax the atmosphere in the room, but not so much that Samandriel can’t see what’s happening, at all times. The mirrors on the walls and ceiling are going help with that as well. And this time, the small table under the light-switch is stacked with only towels and bottles of water. No toys or tools.

Samandriel told them that he would trust their choices, and this is what Dean’s decided. Cas has agreed to it already, letting Dean take point this time and deferring to Dean’s experience. But Samandriel looks a little surprised.

“Okay,” Dean begins to explain, his tone serious in contrast to their relaxed banter upstairs at the bar, and Samandriel’s eyes widen at the change in Dean’s demeanour. It’s time to lay down the rules, and Samandriel knows it. “The first thing you have to remember, is that we’re not going to hurt you tonight. Not unless you ask us to,” Dean smirks. “And then we’ll only use our hands, as you can see, we don’t have any tools in here.”

Samandriel nods at that, so Dean continues. “That also means we’re not going to tie you up, or restrict you in any way. Again, unless you ask us to,” Dean reiterates. “So don’t be shy. Don’t be afraid to ask us for what you want. And don’t be afraid to tell us ‘no’ either. Cas and I will check in with you every now and then anyway, okay?”

Samandriel nods again, and Dean keeps going. “You can call us by our names. Not ‘sir’,” he explains, making an exception to the usual rules, since the idea here is to encourage communication instead of limiting it. And by using their names instead of the anonymous ‘sir’, Samandriel is less likely to forget who he’s with or where he is. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Dean,” Samandriel replies.

“Good boy,” Dean murmurs, and Samandriel’s eyes light up a little at the praise.

Dean gives the kid a little smile, before turning serious again. “Now,” he says, squeezing Samandriel’s shoulder. “Tell us your safeword,” he asks. He’s purposely waited until now to bring it up instead of asking over the phone, as a way to help set the scene, setting an easy pattern of command and response.

“Bureaucrat,” Samandriel answers. Dean looks over Samandriel’s shoulder to check if Castiel heard it, and Cas nods.

“Okay,” Dean murmurs, turning his attention back to Samandriel. “You ready to start?”

“Yes, Dean!” Samandriel answers eagerly. Yeah, this kid is so ready. And Dean can’t wait to break him in again.

“Alright,” Dean smirks, “The first thing I want you to do, is go sit over there, and watch,” he says, pointing at the couch.

“Yes, Dean,” Samandriel replies, heading over to the other side of the room and making himself comfortable.

Castiel doesn’t wait to press up against Dean’s side, mouthing at Dean’s neck, but Dean makes sure the kid’s settled in and watching before leaning down to take Castiel’s lips. Dean’s already discussed his plans for the night with Cas, so Cas knows Dean wants to give Samandriel a little bit of a show first. It should help ease the kid into the scene. And after Dean’s own experience watching Cas and Inias together, Dean’s hoping the show will get Samandriel turned on enough to want to join in.

Cas knows how to put on a show too, the kinky bastard. Cas has always been a bit of an exhibitionist. Dean’s known that since the Halloween they first met and dry humped each other on the dance floor at Queen Mab’s. But Cas has had a couple years to familiarize himself with Dean’s mouth since then, to learn exactly what it wants, and what it’s capable of. And he puts that knowledge to good use now, kissing Dean filthy, sucking on Dean’s tongue and licking sloppy at Dean’s tongue-stud so Samandriel can see. Dean nearly misses the tiny whimper that comes from Samandriel’s side of the room, while he’s groaning against Castiel’s demanding lips.

And then there’s Castiel’s demanding hands, sliding up under the back of Dean’s shirt, clawing at Dean’s skin. Hissing at the sensation, Dean pulls back just enough to quickly yank his shirt off, letting Samandriel see the scratchmarks reddening across his back. And it’s a good thing Castiel’s wearing a button-down, because Dean needs something to slow himself down already.

Not that he lets Castiel get away scott-free. Dean leaves marks of his own, as he deals with the buttons on Cas’ shirt. Bite marks. Nibbled onto Cas’ lips, Cas’ earlobe, down Cas’ neck, harder on the meat of Cas’ shoulder when the shirt finally falls away. Dean even makes his way down Cas’ chest, arching Cas backwards so he can lean over and bite at Cas’ nipple, tugging on the nipple-ring there with his teeth. And it’s then when Dean hears the kind of gasp from Samandriel’s side of the room that can’t be ignored.

Dean turns his head, barely pulling his lips away from Cas’ nipple, and sees a high flush on Samandriel’s cheeks, the kid’s mouth hanging open with quickened breaths. “Would you like to join us?” Dean asks, cocking an eyebrow.

Samandriel nods, but makes no move to get off the couch, until Castiel reaches out his hand, inviting the kid over. Maybe it’s easier to focus on that instead, because that’s what Samandriel does, as he slowly approaches, reaching out to accept Castiel’s hand. Dean steps back as Castiel gently pulls Samandriel in, making room for the kid to stand in between them, and watching as Castiel softly presses his lips to Samandriel’s mouth.

It’s far from the deep and dirty kiss Cas shared with Dean before, but slow, and controlled, letting Samandriel open up at his own pace. And once the kid relaxes enough, Dean presses up behind him, planting light kisses on the back of Samandriel’s neck while massaging his shoulders. The idea here is to let Samandriel get used to being kissed again, and touched, slowly, in stages. To allow Samandriel to respond, and touch back, whenever he’s ready.

Dean knows Samandriel’s ready when Castiel catches his eye over the kid’s shoulder, and when Dean looks in the mirror, he sees Samandriel’s hands firmly planted on Castiel’s ass, copping a feel. Dean supresses a snort of amusement.

Pressing in closer, Dean reaches up under the hem of Samandriel’s shirt, tracing his fingers along the skin above Samandriel’s waistline. Dean’s close enough now to feel the shiver that runs through Samandriel’s body at the touch, and encouraged by the response, he lets his fingers run further up around Samandriel’s chest. When his fingers brush Samandriel’s nipples, Samandriel throws his head back with a gasp, and Dean takes advantage of the kid’s suddenly exposed neck, latching his lips onto it. Samandriel barely even notices when Dean removes the shirt altogether.

But when Dean leans in again, and Samandriel’s skin presses against Dean’s bare chest for the first time, the kid shudders, all the way through his body. And when Castiel presses in from the front, leaning in to claim the kid’s lips again, Samandriel groans, hiking a leg around Castiel’s waist to pull him in as close as possible. Soon Samandriel is grinding in between them, pushing his rear back against Dean as he presses up against Castiel’s crotch. Dean was already half-hard, but it isn’t long before he’s standing at full attention.

It’s not the right moment for Dean to do anything about it though. Tonight is about Samandriel. So his own… issues are going to have to wait.

Leaving Samandriel hanging onto Castiel’s neck for support, Dean moves his hands towards Samandriel’s crotch, stroking his thumbs against the zipper and letting Samandriel know what he’s about to do. Again, Samandriel barely notices when Dean unzips his fly, but when Dean cups a hand around the kid’s erection, Samandriel gasps loudly against Castiel’s lips.

Dean massages the kid’s length, feeling out the shape and size of it. He’s not small, but he’s not as big as Dean or Cas either, and he curves just slightly towards his belly. Dean bets it’s as pink and pretty as the rest of the kid. But what really captures Dean’s attention is the feel of Samandriel’s underwear. It’s smooth to the touch, like satin, but sheer and thin.

Dean’s curiosity is piqued. He unwinds Samandriel’s leg from Cas’ waist, and begins pushing the kid’s pants down.

He almost can’t believe it at first. Not even as inch after glorious inch is being revealed. But when Samandriel’s pants finally hit the floor, Dean can’t deny what he’s looking at


Sheer, white, ladies stockings.

Dean does his best not to froth at the mouth. He’d suspected ladies panties, at least. But this is so, so much better. He doesn’t even realize he’s gaping until Castiel calls his name.


“Uh…” Dean replies intelligently.

“I thought you said it would be okay?” Samandriel asks Castiel softly. They’ve obviously talked about this beforehand.

“Yeah, baby boy, it’s more than okay,” Dean finally croaks, squeezing Samandriel’s shoulders reassuringly. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” he rumbles. “God, Cas, look at him!”

Castiel doesn’t reply. Doesn’t have to. He knew Dean would love this. And the smirk he sends Dean says so.

Christ, Dean is a lucky man.

“C’mere you little angel,” Dean growls, flipping Samandriel around and slanting their lips together. Samandriel makes a pleased sound in his throat as they finally taste each other, opening up for Dean without hesitation. Dean supposes he has Castiel to thank for that again, being the one to kiss Samandriel first and having the patience to work through any reluctance. Because after seeing those stockings, the last thing Dean wants to be is slow and cautious. He devours Samandriel’s mouth, hungry and deep, and Samandriel has to cling to him to stay upright. In fact, when Dean reaches down to palm at Samandriel’s stocking-covered ass, Samandriel does more than cling, jumping up and hooking his legs around Dean’s waist.

Dean groans at that, more than happy to have a reason to grab onto Samandriel’s ass even harder. And now that Samandriel is hiked up higher, Dean has access to more of the kid’s skin, and immediately takes advantage, nipping and sucking at Samandriel’s neck and chest. Dean even manages to hike Samandriel high enough to lick at his nipples, and the way the kid cries out then, Dean knows Samandriel’s loving it. That, and the way Samandriel starts trying to grind his stocking-covered erection against Dean’s stomach.

The kid’s eagerness is astoundingly hot, but Dean has to carry him to the couch before they both topple over, sitting down with Samandriel straddling his lap. And yeah, that’s so much better. Because now Dean can suck on Samandriel’s nipples, and run his hands all over those stockings, at the same time.

It doesn’t take long for Dean to work out that Samandriel’s nipples are especially sensitive areas, like Castiel’s hole is. Because the way Samandriel moans and writhes when Dean nibbles on them makes Dean want to chew on them forever. And he can’t stop running his hands up and down Samandriel’s legs. Samandriel’s stockinged legs. Not to mention Samandriel’s ass… so pert and fleshy in his hands

“Fuck,” Dean groans. “I want to spank you.”

“Yes, Dean!” Samandriel gasps, nodding frantically.

Dean doesn’t so much spank Samandriel though, as he does forcefully grab the kid’s ass, groping it in his hand. But Samandriel loves it anyway, wriggling in Dean’s lap and mewling happily as Dean paws at him. Dean just can’t stop touching him.

“Please!” Samandriel whimpers eventually, and Dean groans another curse. He realizes he’s teasing the kid, and he really shouldn’t say he’s going to do something and not follow through on it, not tonight. Not with Samandriel.

“Alright,” Dean growls, “Assume the position,” he orders, guiding Samandriel down over his lap. As Samandriel lays down, Dean notices Cas sitting in the corner of the couch, stripped down to his boxer-briefs, simply laying back and watching as he lazily massages himself. Dean grins at him.

Castiel smirks back, wordlessly coming forward to take Samandriel’s arms and help the kid brace himself. Cas makes sure to position himself so he can see Samandriel’s face as well. It’s something they also discussed beforehand, making sure at least one of them is keeping a close eye on the kid at all times, looking out for any signs of distress.

Once Cas gives the nod, Dean returns his attention to the ass now presented before him, and has to bite down another groan. The stockings leave nothing to the imagination, second skin across those soft and perky cheeks. Even through them Dean can see the reddening of Samandriel’s flesh where it’s been groped and pulled at. And if that wasn’t already a beautiful sight to see, the way Samandriel’s ass juts up in the air exposes his perfect, rosebud entrance, just barely visible through the sheer material.

“Oh my God, just look at this ass,” Dean groans, palming one of Samandriel’s cheeks and spreading the kid open so he can see better. Oh yeah, that hole needs to be used.

But the wriggling against his palm reminds Dean what Samandriel wants first. Without any more preamble, Dean gives it to him. Just one smack. Light. As a warning.

“Stay still,” Dean growls.

“Yes, Dean!” Samandriel gasps. It takes a few seconds for Samandriel to stop wriggling with excitement, but he finally manages to settle himself. Dean sees his grip tightening around Castiel’s arms, bracing himself properly, and nods approvingly.

“That’s it, good boy,” Dean croons, rewarding the kid with another smack, and Samandriel doesn’t have to be told again to keep still, taking considerably less time to still his squirming. If Samandriel’s this good already, he must’ve been an amazing sub back when he was doing this regularly.

Dean tries not to think about the bastard who took advantage of that. He needs to focus on what he can do for Samandriel now, in this moment.

“This ass deserves to be worshipped, you know that?” Dean says, spanking Samandriel again, and the kid cries out, half-moan half-wail. “What a waste...” Another smack, even harder, and another gasping cry. “Hiding this away for so long...” Smack, smack, smack. “You should’ve tried to find us sooner.”

“I’m sorry, Dean!” Samandriel sobs.

“Don’t be sorry, baby,” Dean smacks him again. “Just tell me you been taking care of all this.” Smack. “You been feeding this ass properly?” Smack.

“Yes,” Samandriel whimpers.

“With what?” Smack. “Fingers? Toys?” Smack, smack.

“Yes,” Samandriel whimpers again, and Dean groans, visions of Samandriel fingering himself open, stuffing himself with dildos and vibrators and all kinds of things, running through Dean’s head. Maybe even while the kid’s wearing panties, or ladies thigh-highs, or--

“Wait a minute. I know this ass,” Dean stops, hand in mid-air, realizing that what he’s envisioning is way too vivid to come from his imagination alone.

“Dean?” Castiel asks softly beside him. Dean frowns, looking closer, and then it finally clicks.


Samandriel squirms, flushing all the way to the tips of his ears, and it’s all the confirmation Dean needs.

“Webcam Alfie?” Dean exclaims, jaw dropping in shock.

Suddenly there’s a whole library of images running through Dean’s head – Samandriel in girls’ clothing, cheerleading costumes and school uniforms, skirts and leg-warmers and high-heels, panties and bras and lacy lingerie – But never Samandriel’s face, just his beautiful, boyish body and his perfect little ass, full of his own fingers while he jacks himself off, or stuffed with plugs and vibrators, riding monstrously large dildos that push his stomach out from the inside – all images from Dean’s own collection of porn.

“Holy shit, Cas. I’m spanking a pornstar.”

Castiel bursts into laughter.

“Shut up,” Dean mumbles, turning red. He’s rarely ever caught so utterly dumfounded, completely blind-sided by this turn of events.

“Dean, your face!” Castiel titters, eyes crinkling with mirth, and even though it’s at Dean’s expense, Dean can’t help but grin either. Even Samandriel begins giggling, twisting around to see.

“Hey,” Dean gives him a playful smack. “Not you too. That’s just not fair.”

“I’m sorry, Dean,” Samandriel grins, still giggling.

“No you’re not,” Dean smacks him again half-heartedly.

“No, I’m not,” Samandriel replies, and Dean can hear the smirk in his voice.

“And here I was just thinking you were such a good little sub.” Dean snorts. “Well, at least now I know how you’ve been keeping yourself satisfied. Fuck. We’ve gotten off to you so many times.”

“…Yeah?” Samandriel stops laughing, voice suddenly breathy. And just like that, Dean’s back in charge.

“Yeah,” Dean smirks, stroking a hand down the back of Samandriel’s thigh in an appreciation.

Samandriel squirms at the touch, obviously aroused by the idea. And the fact that the kid’s turned on by the idea is all kinds of hot in turn, like some kind of feedback loop of arousal.

But it also means Dean has to reassess the situation a bit. Webcam Alfie is a totally different being, confident and playful – he knows exactly what he likes, and revels in it. He’s almost a completely different personality to the shy and blushing Samandriel in Dean’s lap now.

Then again, Webcam Alfie exists solely in the security of his own bedroom. This is a completely different situation entirely.

That doesn’t mean the different sides can’t be reconciled. In fact, the more Dean thinks about it, the more he’s sure the two sides need to be reconciled, for this kid to get the kind of healing he really needs.

But that’s probably something Samandriel’s not ready to deal with now. The first thing Dean needs to focus on is helping Samandriel get comfortable with other people again, easing him back into being a sub with some light domming. And it’s going extremely well so far.

And if Dean maybe gets to fuck a pornstar by the end of the night, then hey, all the better.

“Do you mind if I call you ‘Alfie’?” Dean grins, slowly sliding his hand back up Samandriel’s leg.

Samandriel blushes again, but he shakes his head.

“Awesome,” Dean smirks, reaching has hand down between Samandriel’s legs and cupping the kid’s balls, pressing his thumb against Samandriel’s hole as he massages the heavy sac. Samandriel gasps, wriggling in Dean’s grip. “You like that, Alfie-baby?” Dean taunts, grinning.

“Oh God!” Samandriel gasps. “Yes, Dean! I like that a lot,” he whimpers, hole clenching rhythmically against Dean’s thumb.

“Jesus Christ,” Dean groans. “Tell me something, Alfie, you aren’t too attached to these stockings are you? Can they be replaced?”

Samandriel nods. “They’re just cheap things I bought from K-mart. I’ve got a whole box of them.”

“Good,” Dean growls. “Because as pretty as they are, I really want to rip them open right now.”

Samandriel groans, squirming frantically in Dean’s lap. “Yes, yes!” he gasps, jutting his ass up higher.

“Fuck. So needy for it,” Dean murmurs, more to himself, but Samandriel still replies, mewling,


“Okay. Okay, baby boy,” Dean croons. “Let Cas hold you now,” he instructs, helping Samandriel up. Castiel slides up beside them, pulling Samandriel across, and the kid goes eagerly, straddling Castiel’s legs and immediately rubbing their crotches together. As Dean slides to the floor onto his knees he sees Cas leaning forward, lips closing around Samandriel’s nipple.

It’s a good thing Cas has already got a good hold of the kid by then, because Samandriel bucks so hard at that, he might’ve fallen right out of Castiel’s lap. But then Cas spreads his legs wide, nudging Samandriel’s legs farther apart with his knees and limiting the movement of the kid’s hips, grabbing Samandriel’s rear to hold it still for good measure. The position also gives Dean space to settle between Castiel’s legs, and get right up behind Samandriel’s ass, watching as it squirms in Castiel’s hands.

“Fuck yeah,” Dean moans. “Hold it open for me, Cas.”

Cas doesn’t reply, the wet, slurping sounds indicating a mouth busy at work. But nonetheless Cas still pulls Samandriel’s cheeks apart for Dean, once again exposing the teasing shadow of Samandriel’s entrance.

Dean reaches up to massage the flesh of Samandriel’s cheeks as well, watching Samandriel’s hole spasm and twitch with need through the stockings. Until finally, Dean can’t wait anymore. He takes the sheer material in his hands, and pulls.

It doesn’t take much for the stockings to come apart, with a satisfying rip that leaves a gaping hole in the material, exposing Samandriel’s entrance entirely. And Samandriel gasps and writhes with so much excitement at that, Dean takes a long moment to just sit back and watch.

While Dean’s enjoying the view, Castiel takes the opportunity give some commands of his own. Samandriel’s cries are muted all of a sudden, and when Dean hears Castiel say, “Suck,” Dean knows Cas has got his fingers in Samandriel’s mouth. And from the wet slurping sounds and accompanying groans Dean hears, Dean knows Samandriel is obeying the command very well. Dean finally has to unzip his pants, and take his cock in hand, squeezing it at the base at the thought of what Samandriel’s mouth is doing.

Then with one last wet slurp, Castiel’s hand comes back into view again, and Dean almost actually drools when Cas rubs his wet fingers against Samandriel’s hole. Reaching up, Dean helps Cas spread Samandriel’s cheeks, in order to see better. And when Samandriel’s hole is all nice and wet, Dean blows on it, teasing and cooling the wet saliva on Samandriel’s skin.

The kid cries out at that, and Castiel has to grip him firmly again, hushing him with soothing murmurs until he settles down again. “Just wait, little bird,” Castiel tells him, “Things are about to get even better.”

Dean grins, leaning forward and dipping the tip of his tongue into Samandriel’s entrance. The kid cries out again, but they’ve got a good grip on his hips now, so Dean doesn’t have to back off and wait the kid out. Dean wriggles his tongue into that rosebud pucker straight away, enjoying the way Samandriel flutters and spasms around it in response. Then Dean changes it up, licking the flat of his tongue against it, and in doing so, swiping his tongue-stud over it, making the kid cry out and squirm all over again.

“Isn’t that good?” Dean hears Castiel murmur. To which Samandriel replies, overwrought and breathless,

“Yes! Oh god, yes! Please! More!” he begs, punctuating the gasp with another wriggle of his hips. And that’s what Dean likes to hear. There’s a reason Dean has the tongue-stud after all. And that’s to drive beautiful boys insane, just like this.

The kid doesn’t last long. Between Castiel’s mouth and fingers, teasing and twisting Samandriel’s sensitive nipples, and Dean’s expert tongue working Samandriel’s ass, the kid doesn’t stand a chance.

“Can I come, please?” Samandriel whines, “Please, Dean! Castiel!”

Dean grins. The kid didn’t have to ask, Dean never told him he had to, but the fact that he did anyway deserves to be rewarded in itself. And Dean’s not going to push the kid’s limits by denying him, only to have him fail. Which he will. The kid’s ready to blow.

“Yes, baby. Come as much as you want, whenever you want,” Dean growls, and the kid lets go with a screaming wail, rubbing himself all over Castiel’s crotch and coming hard down the front of his stockings. Dean groans in satisfaction when he feels Samandriel’s hole clenching around his tongue, and he has to squeeze his dick again when he thinks about how that would feel around it.

Samandriel goes a little limp afterwards, as expected after a much need orgasm, nuzzling into Castiel’s neck with the dopiest smile on his face, and Dean shares a grin with Cas at that. Samandriel’s responded beautifully to them so far, better than they’d hoped for even. They came into this expecting a slow process, fully prepared to patiently coax Samandriel out of his guarded shell… But instead, Dean’s spent half the night trying to get the kid to slow down.

And Dean has a feeling the night is far from over as well. He’s pretty sure the kid can handle more. In fact, when Samandriel all but slithers to the floor onto his knees, reaching out to take Dean’s erection in hand, it’s a sure sign the kid wants more.

It’s pretty damn hot, the way Samandriel lazily strokes Dean’s dick, all relaxed with post-orgasm bliss. Even hotter when the kid nuzzles in between Castiel’s legs at the same time, pulling Cas’ boxers down with his other hand and mouthing at the head of Cas’ cock.

“Oh…” Cas sighs appreciatively, slouching down in his seat and running his fingers through Samandriel’s hair.

“Woah there, sunshine,” Dean croons, leaning in close, “You sure you don’t want a breather? We can wait.”

“No,” Samandriel mewls, barely taking his lips off Castiel’s cock. “Fill me up. Like you did with Inias. Please!” he says, tugging on Dean’s erection. And as if he hadn’t already made his point clear, then he lets go of Dean’s cock, and starts pushing his fingers into his own hole, still slick with Dean’s saliva.

“Aw Jesus,” Dean curses under his breath, yet again. The kid really is needy for it. And Dean just wants to give it to him. Balls deep.

Dean wars with himself for a moment, trying to decide what will be best for the kid, but then he remembers the way Webcam Alfie likes it – the way Alfie likes to keep fucking himself, long after his climax, happier when he’s stretched and loose and all filled up.

Swivelling around, Dean crawls the short distance to the table by the door, grabbing the lube and condoms. Dean’s good at what he does, and Samandriel’s already done half the job anyway, so it doesn’t take much to stretch and lube the kid up while he pushes his boxers down to his knees with his pants, ripping open a condom packet with his teeth.

But before Dean can even roll the condom on, Samandriel pulls off Castiel’s cock and glares at him. “No,” the kid practically growls. “I’ve had nothing but silicone and rubber in me for over a year. I want to feel something real. Skin and heat… and come.”

Dean can barely suppress a groan at that. But again he has to do some quick thinking. They’d all gotten retested beforehand at Samandriel’s request, and Dean was willing to do it if it made the kid feel more comfortable, but now Dean’s really glad they did it. Dean quickly glances up at Castiel, checking with him, and Castiel wordlessly agrees, nodding.

The decision is quickly made, but even then Dean moves too slow for Samandriel, who practically rips the condom out of Dean’s hand, and throws it across the room. Dean can’t help but grin at that. The kid was already irresistible to begin with, but he’s all kinds of hot when he’s demanding like that.

“Okay, Alfie-baby, you got it,” Dean says, crawling in close and positioning himself. “Watch him, Cas,” he murmurs, and Castiel nods back, before reaching down to caress Samandriel’s face, locking their eyes together.

It’s a good thing Samandriel’s been keeping himself busy over the past year, otherwise the kid might not have been able to take Dean’s girth. But no, Samandriel opens up for Dean without any resistance, pushing back to take Dean all the way in on the first go, deep and hot.

Dean tries to restrain himself. He really does. Tries to give the kid time to settle and stretch around him. But the way Samandriel wriggles and squirms around him, desperate for more, would test the patience of saints. Dean starts to think maybe he should’ve let Cas go first. Before he knows it, he’s thrusting, matching the rhythm Samandriel has coaxed out of his hips, giving the kid what he so clearly wants.

Samandriel isn’t even hard again yet, but the way he twists his hips and writhes on Dean’s cock tells Dean the kid’s enjoying himself anyway. Dean certainly is. Maybe too much though. And too soon. In fact, he’s probably on the verge of blowing his load already. He can’t help it. The kid’s ass feels even better than it looks, and that’s no small feat, considering how many times Dean’s gotten off from looking alone.

With every bit of willpower he has, Dean pulls out. Samandriel sobs in protest, grinding backwards and trying to take him back in again, hole fluttering with want. But Dean firmly places a palm on the small of Samandriel’s back, keeping the kid away.

“Take him, Cas,” Dean gasps out.

“What?” Castiel blinks in surprise.

Dean shakes his head, cutting a slice across his neck with his hand and signalling that he needs a break. “Your turn.”

Castiel’s eyes go wide with understanding, and when Samandriel catches on as well his eyes light up, grinning eagerly at Castiel. Dean can’t help but think that if the kid were a puppy, his little tail would be wagging furiously right now. Dean huffs a laugh at the image. And tries hard not to think about puppy-play and how pretty Samandriel would look on the end of a leash. In a white collar. To match his white stockings. Dammit, Dean’s trying not to come here.

But then again, it’s not like what’s happening in front of Dean’s eyes is any less hot than Dean’s imagination. Samandriel doesn’t even wait for Cas to help him up. The kid just scrambles onto the couch, straddling Cas’ lap again, and sinking down on it. Like the eager little puppy he is. All Cas can really do is hang on for the ride.

And ride Samandriel does. Now that he’s in control, he doesn’t settle for the slow pace Dean tried to keep. Samandriel takes what he wants. And he wants it hard. And really, the sight of that gorgeous little ass, gobbling up Castiel’s gorgeous cock, doesn’t make Dean want to come any less at all.

From the sounds coming out of Castiel’s mouth, Dean can tell Cas is riding that edge as well. Dean reaches up towards Cas’ balls, palming and pulling on them, maybe a little possessively, preventing Castiel from coming too fast. Their main focus for the night is Samandriel, but it’s unspoken that Dean still – always – desires control over Castiel’s orgasms as well.

“Unh, Dean, I can’t…” Castiel gasps before long. “You need to take him.”

“Yeah, okay, angel,” Dean replies, climbing up on the couch. Between the two of them they manage to manoeuvre Samandriel onto Dean’s lap, laying back on Dean’s chest, so the kid can still bounce on Dean’s dick as much as he wants. But this way they have more access to him as well. The kid’s already hard again, tenting the wet front of his stockings, and the added pressure has made the hole in them tear open all the way around to his crotch. So Dean reaches down, ripping the stockings open to the waistband and setting Samandriel’s cock free.

Cas gets the idea pretty quick, leaning over and sucking Samandriel down. Dean reaches for the kid’s hyper-sensitive nipples, pinching and twisting the pink little nubs, and Samandriel thrashes and bucks so hard, they can barely hold on to him. The kid can barely even cry out anymore, so overwhelmed and breathless, he sounds like he’s sobbing. He even starts tearing up at the corners of his eyes. And then

“Both! I need you both in me!”

“What?” Dean gapes. Though he knows exactly what the kid means. Castiel pulls off the kid’s cock, looking up with wide-eyed with disbelief.

“Please! Oh please, please!” Samandriel begs, a tear finally falling down his face.

“Okay, okay baby boy,” Dean croons soothingly, rubbing down Samandriel’s arms. “Just breathe.”

Samandriel nods, heaving down great gulps of air. But the pleading look in those pretty blue eyes doesn’t go away. And how the hell is Dean supposed to resist that? Dean chews on his lip, forcing himself to think.

“Okay. But we’re going to do this slow,” he says firmly. Samandriel nods ecstatically, eyes lighting up with joy, and Dean can’t help but think of sunshine again.

“Lie back, Cas,” Dean murmurs, and Castiel obeys, laying back along the couch seat. Lifting Samandriel off of himself, Dean guides the kid forward across Castiel’s body. Then he lines Cas’ dick up with Samandriel’s ass, and pushes Samandriel down on it with a firm hand on the small of the kid’s spine. But this time, Dean holds his hand there, keeping the kid’s rhythm slow and steady.

When he’s satisfied the kid has settled down a bit, Dean reaches for the lube. Castiel obligingly holds the kid open for him when he reaches towards Samandriel’s entrance, and very carefully Dean begins working in a finger alongside Castiel’s cock.

Samandriel makes a surprised sound in his throat, something like a whimper, but more like a sigh – definitely a happy noise – and pretty soon the kid finds his rhythm again. The kid even speeds up in excitement, until Dean slows him down again, keeping him still for another finger. It takes a little longer for Samandriel to adjust this time, but on the whole, still not long, and Dean suddenly remembers that Alfie has had a lot more than this split him open.

Dean takes his time anyway, stretching and pulling, adding a third finger for good measure, and Samandriel takes it all, moaning happily and ever hungry for more. Until, “please, please, come on! Please!” Samandriel begs. And it’s now or never.

Dean lubes himself up again. Lines himself up. Pushes. And God it’s tight. Tight like it wasn’t before. They’re all groaning, holding on to each other, trying to work out how to fit together, until finally, they just do. Dean starts thrusting, tentatively, and they quickly figure out how to work with each other. Castiel has to hold Samandriel pretty still, and can barely move himself, or else slip out altogether. So Dean does most of the work, dick rubbing up against Castiel’s inside Samandriel’s impossibly stretched hole. And the way Castiel is angled, every time Dean thrusts in and out, his dick presses the head of Cas’ cock right against Samandriel’s prostate, massaging against it.

Samandriel loses it. He screams and sobs and writhes, pushing back on them as if he could possibly take more, and it soon becomes too difficult to hold on to him. When Samandriel starts bucking so much Dean keeps slipping out, Dean decides to change things up.

“Okay, sweetheart, c’mere,” Dean chuckles, pulling Samandriel off Castiel. “Turn around, sunshine,” he murmurs, laying Samandriel back on Castiel’s chest. Cas slides back inside easy, arms wrapped around Samandriel’s chest as he fucks up into him. And Dean’s about to push in as well, but instead Dean finds himself sitting back on his knees, just watching.

What a sight the kid makes, pink skin flushed and rosy, cock dark and curved against his belly, pristine stockings ripped open and hanging in tatters around it, framing it beautifully. What a sight they both make, Samandriel and Castiel, his two beautiful subs, fucking together – two sets of baby-blues watching him, waiting...

Dean wants this to last. As long as he can stretch it out. But he’ll be damned if he’s not going to join in either.

Reaching down in between Castiel’s cheeks, Dean pulls out Cas’ ever-present plug, keeping Cas stretched and full – and a constant reminder of Dean’s ownership. Cas whimpers when he feels it being removed, but before Cas even has a chance to feel really empty, Dean’s filing him up again, thick and deep.

This time it’s Cas’ turn to lose it, bucking and thrashing, fucking himself down on Dean’s cock and thrusting up into Samandriel’s ass. Their position keeps Castiel’s cock angled right onto Samandriel’s prostate, so even though the kid isn’t filled up like he wants to be, he’s still getting a good ride.

And damn but Dean’s still getting a good show too. He makes sure he can see every second of it, pushing the kid’s thighs wide open and massaging the stockinged flesh in his palms. And Cas is so tight, squeezing around Dean in counterbalance with every push up into Samandriel’s ass.

Dean knows Cas well enough to know when it starts to become too much for him. Even though Dean’s avoided Cas’ prostate on purpose, Cas still loves the feeling of being filled – the feeling of anything in his hole, really. So Dean pulls out, giving him break. Dean knows Cas won’t want to come without something in it.

But that only means it’s Samandriel’s turn again. And Dean has no trouble pushing right back in the kid’s rear alongside Castiel, the kid’s still so loose. And Cas is so fucked-out already, all he can do is hold on when Samandriel starts writhing on top of him.

Dean doesn’t mind. He’s still in control. And he enjoys having free reign of Samandriel’s body, stretched out beneath him – lazily jacking off the kid’s cock, palming and pulling his balls, twisting and pinching his sensitive nipples – the kid is quickly overwhelmed. But just when the kid’s about to tip over, Dean stretches it out just that little bit longer, pulling out again and pushing into Castiel instead.

They’re both so loose, Dean can easily switch between them, so he starts fucking both of them, taking turns using their eager holes. He’s indiscriminate with his attention, sometimes only thrusting into them once before switching to the other, teasing them and keeping them on edge until they’re both screaming and begging him to let them come.

And as much as Dean wants it to last forever, there’s only so long he can last under that onslaught. So he shoves his dick into Samandriel, and fists the kid’s sweet cock until Samandriel screams, spilling come and clenching around him and Cas, so fucking tight Dean wants to come as well.

But instead Dean pulls out of the kid, and shoves into Castiel, fucking hard until Cas clenches in orgasm as well, coming with choked-off cries while still buried inside Samandriel’s ass and filling it up.

And it isn’t until both his subs have come that Dean pulls out, furiously jacking himself off to the sight of Cas’ cock slipping out of Samandriel’s ass, dribbling come out of it, and finally letting himself come, relieved sobs and spasms ripped from his body as he stripes himself all over Cas and Samandriel’s fucked-out holes.


“Can I keep these?” Dean asks afterwards, helping Samandriel out of his ruined stockings. Samandriel lifts his head from where he’s snuggling into Castiel’s side and nods, smiling. Dean grins, setting the stockings aside and finishing the task of wiping everyone clean.

“Does Inias know? About Alfie?” Castiel asks softly. Samandriel shakes his head.

“You ever consider telling him?” Dean asks.

Samandriel takes a deep breath, like he’s thinking about it, but then he shakes his head again, burying his face even deeper in Cas’ neck. “I can’t,” comes the muffled reply.

Castiel shares a frown with Dean over the top of Samandriel’s head. The answer to whether Samandriel will ever be likely to confess his feelings to Inias either goes unsaid. And that’s a damn shame. Because even though Samandriel seems immensely satisfied when they finally leave their private room, nothing compares to the way the kid’s eyes light up when he sees Inias waiting for them at the bar. Cas thought it would be a good idea to make sure Inias was there when they were done, to make sure Samandriel gets any extra care he needs, and it’s instantly clear that it was the right thing to do.

They leave Samandriel in Inias’ capable hands and head home to bed, exhausted, crawling into a tangled mesh under the sheets.

“He was amazing, wasn’t he?” Dean murmurs into the top of Castiel’s hair. “And for his first time back and all.”

“You were wonderful with him,” Cas replies, pressing a kiss into his collarbone. “But I think you’re right. He needs much more than we can give him.”

~ tbc

Sorry this took so long, but I went back and tried to clean up the previous chapters a bit. Again, it might be a while before the next update, as I have an escort!Dean big bang to write :s And I need a break from all this smut! To write different smut ^^; Anyhoo, you can track updates at my tumblr with #halloween-verse. It's mostly NSFW stuff though ;D

rating: nc-17, genre: smut, spn pairing: dean/castiel, genre: bdsm, type: fanfiction, genre: au, spn pairing: inias/samandriel, destiel is my otp, slash, spn verse: halloween (in bondage), pairing: threesome/moresome, fandom: supernatural

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