Title: School's Out
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, mentions of
Dean/Lisa, Dean/Anna, some Castiel/Meg, and the orgy harem ;)
Genre: AU, first!time (bottom!Cas) sex with lots
of angst, some humor, and a dash of fluff.
Spoilers/Warnings: underage alcohol and drug
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... OMG kiray you have no idea how nervous i was about this... and i have such the biggest smile on my face right now after reading your comments! thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH, I'm SO glad you like it *HUGE HUG OF THANKS ALREADY!!!*
I'm not gonna lie, I've already had a few scenes pop into my head for when they finally see each other again and whatnot... but it's all mostly just smut, so I think I need to give it a break for now LOL
but GAH! I'm still so glad you liked it!!! thank you thank you thank you again!!! <3
I'm not gonna lie either, I don't have any problems with smut *lol* but, yes, give it a break, if you need it.
But perhaps you'll keep it in mind? *mumbles*
And again you're just very welcome <3
also, sweetie your english is perfect! you don't need to worry about it as much as you do XD
But: Yeah yeah yeah! I hope I'll realize it when the new story is finished. Would you mind me adding you as a friend? :) Then I could watch your journal (somehow I think ôo sometimes I think LJ is very confusing).
And thank you *is blushing now* that was one of the biggest compliments I ever got :))
(oh and btw I thought this one could be interesting for you too: http://deancas-xmas.livejournal.com/53390.html :) Dean/Cas Secret Santa - I just found it three days ago accidentally :) )
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