A little get to know Devin again.

Nov 15, 2005 14:37

I've made it back to Livejournal, quite a different use for the whole livejournal thing, believe it or not I'm going to use it as a journal. Ideas thoughts, conversations worth mentioning. I wonder how many people on my friends list still have the same journals and actually read them. It seems strange, this whole livejournal thing. The things that I wrote about in here almost a year ago and before were really important to me at the time I was writing in this thing. Now, I look back at the shit that was important to me and it all seems so trite. Not that it was bad, it just seems so unimportant to me now. Although, back then I had so much fun. My thoughts are pretty scattered right now, but I'll do my best.

I'll just start out with this old stuff, the old livejournal advertising. Pictures. More pictures you had on your page, the more comments, and the more comments telling you how attractive you were, the better it made you feel, or me feel. Here's me and my lovely girlfriend,

My two dogs tolouse and zissou. Tolouse is brown, Zissou is black.

Here's a better picture of Zissou.

I love Marissa, very much. I love my dogs very much. There are a few other people here and there that, I love or would enjoy being around but not many. Many reasons for this. Mostly, the unkindness and uncaring I see everyone treating everyone else with. I see people, walking all over others for money, or attention even. So many selfish people doing whatever it takes to get whatever they want, which just about always is MONEY! The golden rule, "Do whatever it takes for MONEY!"

Why do whatever it takes for money? Everyone knows the answer to that one, so you have all of it. WOW! Most people don't actually think like that, do they? Or is it just the ones that start getting a lot of money who think like that? Most people won't go and kill and ruin an entire nation over money do they? Although, this is what we as a people are showing our children and the next generations is ok. As long as you do it in the name of America and white people. Even if you're black, asian or mexican. I see our white leaders using the amazing things people of minorities do and take advantage of it for there own benefit.

Why aren't there any leaders anymore?

We as a people should stop worrying about black, white, mexican, asian, gay straight whatever and we all know it. What is it doing? Making us pay attention to all the wrong things. When we should notice that we have more in common with the blacks, whites, asians and gays then we do with the people who are running this country. These rich people who don't even know that we scan barcodes in grocery stores, they are so out of touch, think they have the right to make our decisions for us. These men and women have no idea what it is like to be you and I. The only way they know, is by what we tell them, although we can't tell them as individuals we have to tell them as a group. There's only one way to do it though, with money. We as a group have to not spend money on things we shouldn't be doing. Companies that pollute and don't give a shit about the people of this planet only this planets artificial idea of money. Fuck.

As pissed off about all of this stuff as I am, I'm much more of a peaceful person. I've realized that the only way we're ever going to get to a perfect planet is through love and actually treating everyone else like they're as good as us and that we love them the same as ourselves. Everyone I talk to about this, sees my logic but don't think it can ever happen. People aren't good enough in nature to have this ever occur. I just think the people who are evil enough to make enough money to be powerful enough to be president's and governor's are good enough in nature, but the other 99.99% of people in the world are good enough. So why doesn't it happen?

If anyone disagrees with me, I'd be more than willing to discuss it as long as you're not closed minded or verbally insulting. Thanks.
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