Mar 07, 2004 14:15
Coko805: Hey yezzi
crazeedizzee: hey
Coko805: how are you?
crazeedizzee: im good
Coko805: cool
crazeedizzee: bored
Coko805: yah me too
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: fun
crazeedizzee: no?
Coko805: i feel kinda bad, o friday i was at luynch with jessic aand david and rob called me over to eat with them, and i did
Coko805: but she was with kyle and them
crazeedizzee: ok...i have no clue what you are talking about
Coko805: yezzi.......this is really weird but, this year has been really long for me, and dramatic, and i have backed off of like ricardo and mendoza, and even jess sort of, and i know you did to, and the only person that i miss at all is you
crazeedizzee: dont know rob or david so yea
Coko805: lol
Coko805: did u get that semi-long paragraph?
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: yea
crazeedizzee: now i feel all special
crazeedizzee: lolx
Coko805: hehe
Coko805: i feel like i sort of abandoing jessica, and i really like being friends with her so i feel bad
crazeedizzee: same here
crazeedizzee: but then theres times when she goes off and follows the guy she likes around and everything, and that kinda annoyes me
Coko805: yah
crazeedizzee: and its like, hmm, cant we have fun like this, why do you have to make them the center of your world
Coko805: i dont really liek her other friends very much so when we hang out we end up going to the stairs, and i like dont want to be there anymore it feels so unhealthy to be there
crazeedizzee: which friends dont you like?
Coko805: like as soon as i stopped going around that group of people all of the drama in my life went away
Coko805: like the little freshmen ones, the ones i dont know
crazeedizzee: oh ok
crazeedizzee: well she is a freshmen and all
crazeedizzee: so theres the whole hanging out with guys thing is new to them
crazeedizzee: and that gets all dramatic for freshmen
crazeedizzee: its just weird like that
Coko805: scott and kevin are all right, as are jaquie and donnie, but all of te other ones kinda annoy me, yah i kinda feel like its good for her to be hanging out with the other freshmen, but i jsut dont liek to be around them
crazeedizzee: yea
crazeedizzee: i get what you mean
Coko805: yea
crazeedizzee: i can only be around certain freshmen
Coko805: yah
crazeedizzee: and theres somethat im just like...go away to
Coko805: lol yeah
crazeedizzee: haahaahaa
Coko805: I think that even though this year has been kind of on and off and even though it's been testy and stuff, I'm sort of glad that all of it happenes
Coko805: happened*
crazeedizzee: yea\
Coko805: it's liek made me understand things better, and make me know for sure what things i want to be around and what things i dont wanan be around
crazeedizzee: yop yop yop
Coko805: i have a random question
Coko805: lol once you come out of the closet, can you change your mind?
crazeedizzee: haahaahaahaa
crazeedizzee: yes?
Coko805: lol
Coko805: cause like when im with my like newer friend i dont even think about guys, and it feels so much better that no one like really knows up front that im bi, but i like it this way
crazeedizzee: who does this have to do with?
Coko805: me lol
crazeedizzee: haahaahaahaa
Coko805: lol, i seriously have been feeling really uncomfortable aroung like gay people lately, its sad
Coko805: im finally one of the guys, i've never ever had all guy friends before
crazeedizzee: haahaahaa
crazeedizzee: im sorry?
Coko805: most of them are in choir with me, and we're gonig to sanf francisco, which means lots of gay people, lol, and im like worried about like getting hit on in front of them, lol
crazeedizzee: haahaa
crazeedizzee: im sorry?
Coko805: oh oh oh i was with morgna and arora today and i met chris
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: cool
Coko805: he seemed funny, and nice, but like i got really strange vibes form him, i dont get liekt hat around very many people
Coko805: i knew him b4 tho! during wizard of oz i used to go and tlak to crystal around [ractice time and he was always wirth her
crazeedizzee: my moms being all stupid and narrow minded right now
Coko805: about what?
crazeedizzee: i wanted to make a backround for twiggys journal
crazeedizzee: so i was looking for good pics of marilyn manson
crazeedizzee: and she freaked out
Coko805: ooooh
Coko805: how sad
crazeedizzee: i know
Coko805: did she know it was for twiggy?
crazeedizzee: i tried to explain that it was for a journal for a friend
crazeedizzee: and she said let them do it then
crazeedizzee: its so stupid
Coko805: yah, that sux
crazeedizzee: shes all sterotypical when it comes to the idea of like punk and goth and what not
Coko805: she knows who your friends are or were right?
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: yes
crazeedizzee: shes just like when i started to dress like more punkey...she got all like oh, you cant do that
crazeedizzee: and she thought that once i became a "ounk" i would be a druggie and be all like not listening to her, and dropping out, and what not
crazeedizzee: and i was such a stereotype, and im not going to do that
crazeedizzee: IchigoTokyoNeko: yezzie!
crazeedizzee: yes?
IchigoTokyoNeko: amuse me?
IchigoTokyoNeko: cory misses you
Coko805: lol
crazeedizzee: lolx
Coko805: no whats weird.....
crazeedizzee: IchigoTokyoNeko: he said so
Coko805: you are like the only person taht i liek to be alone with, i really like to be around you when it is just me and you
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: cool?
Coko805: lol
crazeedizzee: ok
crazeedizzee: i like how everybody keeps like turning to me...its ironic to me
Coko805: lol
crazeedizzee: well it yea
crazeedizzee: i have no point
crazeedizzee: *laa laa laa laa*
Coko805: i find it strange how like, ricardo and oliver are like trying to get me to hang out wit them moe, but when i did hang out with them i wasnt important
crazeedizzee: they need to feel important and what not though
crazeedizzee: and so they need other people around
crazeedizzee: or just making up this stuff as i go along
crazeedizzee: its actually very fun to do
Coko805: i think thats true, they alwayus say like ey i miss you, you never call me, you dont hang with us, you need to eat with us at lunch, but when i freaking go over there, no one talks to me except for jess
crazeedizzee: my sorry hun
Coko805: it's ok, i feel really good right now, like better than ever before, ever since i left that group of people life has been eally good, and i think i've been happy, but it's liek tehy want me to feel guilty or osemthing
crazeedizzee: me sorry
Coko805: i luv my yezzie
crazeedizzee: maybe they try to make you feel guilty because they truely feel guilty for things they feel they can fess up to, so instead they put there feelings on you
Coko805: hehe
crazeedizzee: lolx
Coko805: maybe
crazeedizzee: i so need to actually get a life
crazeedizzee: they sell lives?
Coko805: lol on ebay
crazeedizzee: how much?
Coko805: hmm, ummmmm
Coko805: you have to sale your soul
crazeedizzee: OH DAMNIT
crazeedizzee: hmm
crazeedizzee: how much can i get for a broken heart instead?!
Coko805: awww
crazeedizzee: it doesn tick tock anymore!
Coko805: awww thats so sad
Coko805: sorry
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: thats sad?
crazeedizzee: it was a joke
Coko805: i guess? lol
crazeedizzee: or atleast it was supposed to be
Coko805: hehe
Coko805: i think my heart has an electric fence aorund it, or at least my mind i strying to keep one arounf it
Coko805: lol
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: ok
crazeedizzee: i gotta go pee
Coko805: hehe k
crazeedizzee: ok im good
Coko805: lol
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: isnt it great to know when i go pee?!
Coko805: oh yeah
crazeedizzee: lolx
crazeedizzee: BLAH
Coko805: lol
crazeedizzee: im bored
crazeedizzee: ENTERTAIN ME
crazeedizzee: tell me a story!!!!!
Coko805: lol in a min
crazeedizzee: well fine then!
crazeedizzee: be that way
Coko805: lol