Feb 22, 2012 19:50
i gave up facebook for lent. this is only the first day and i'm feeling very cut off from the world, i got hardly any emails and no one texted me and i feel so LAME. i'm sure it'll get better and i'll probably reach out more for interaction either in person or over the phone instead of the internet, but in the meantime i'll be trying to suck it up. probably posting on here more too haha. i've been blogging for longer than i've been social networking, so perhaps going back to my roots will be a good thing?
to update from my last entry, i broke up with my ladyboyfriend at the end of january. it was extremely messy and sad and frustrating and it took me two attempts before he'd accept it. he'd had an anxiety attack the week before, ostensibly from overeating at a cookout (i know, i know) and i had to visit his pansy ass in the emergency room and he kept having smaller attacks all week leading up to my breaking up with him. initially he thought it was some nerve issue in his stomach, but it became clear it was just anxiety-based. guess he knew it was coming, poor bastard. after breaking it off and giving him what i thought were solid reasons- you clearly feel more strongly for me than i do you and i'm not comfortable with that, plus i don't see a future with us so we should end it sooner rather than later- and also mentioning the "you're a vagina" thing (though he assured me that was just a front, he did it for laughs/to get a rise out of people.. ridiculous) he still wouldn't let it go. a week after the breakup he messaged me saying that we needed to meet up so he could get something off his chest. i indulged him, and what i ended up being told was that i have a brain chemistry issue, dopamine specifically, that is prohibiting me from being with someone past the honeymoon period of a relationship, and he thought we should get back together so he could help me "fix" that.
needless to say, i declined his offer, and after much back and forth in which i refused to listen to his psychobabble and he refused to listen to my logic, he gave up talking to me for lent. so at least that aspect of the 40 days will be peaceful and easy.