Feb 11, 2013 17:46
i love it when you meet a guy at a party, he insists on you taking his phone number, you text him, he finds you and adds you on Facebook, and then you see that he's got a girlfriend.
and then you get the message, "it was great to meet you!"
some boys are such cunts.
and yes i know that boys are obviously all tender delicate snowflakes with precious feelings and extenuated circumstances and whatever and that clearly this situation isn't what it looks like and has a totally reasonable explanation like he just forgot to not be Facebook-relationshipped to a chick before handing out his phone number and insisting that i use it.
also yes i know this is (partly) why i'm single. because i'm either a ridiculous old lady too behind the times to realize that this is the hip new way to do thing or i'm a moral idealist who doesn't realize that it's always been done this way, only idiots and squares and noobs believe in monogomy without any infidelity, baby, so roll with it.
whatever. it bugs the fuck out of me and it's GOING to bug the fuck out of me. i won't stop being bugged the fuck by it.