Sep 11, 2005 17:49
well its the day after the concert and i'm feeling alright. . .
well the concert was Sick!! UnderOath and Alexisonfire were amazing!!
and i was really happy when they were on cas they didn't have any really sad songs, BUT then The Used came on,And there a really emo sorta band with all sad songs, and i was trying to feel happier because of what happend, and if you don't know what happend then oh well, but most of you that know me will know what happend,BUT the good part of my night is that i got a hug and i got to hold devons pinky haha,not that big of a deal really but i was feeling happier after that neways,BUT i think things might turn out okay, well Hopfully it does anyways :). . .
well in other news... WAIT!! is there even other news i have to talk about??
iunno but i'm gunna keep going, okay when i got home from the concert i was sorta tired but sorta not tired so i just stayed up for like another hour, plus it was hard to get to sleep neways, cas at the concert i was right beside a moshpit and i got punch in my back like pretty friggin hard, and it hurt but i just didn't care that much cas i was more into the show then how my back was hurting.... well yeah my back is fine now, well yeah thats prolly all i have to say about the concert i think....
well today,i went to church till it was over, then i had to walk all the way home,cas i use to get rides home from devon,but yeah i wont be gettin rides home for a bit prolly,but w/e its alright. . .well after i walked all the way home with my sister, i just sat down and i watched t.v for a bit then came on the comp,and lucky me devon came on later so i got to talk to him for a bit, which was nice to do, well i also might be hanging out with him later tonight,but i'm not for sure on it yet, BUT it would be really nice to:) it would make me happy.....
WOW i better stop writing cas this is getting really long so i'll stop here, bye
P.S- i really hope that things work out with us :)