Apr 24, 2005 21:58
well today i woke up and went to church and i was listning through most if it till something happend,but i can't say cas yeah... well some people know what i am talking about BUT that better NOT tell anyone what happend!!!... well it was not that great near the end cas of what happend,but neways i worked it out sorta and i was happy again:D,well then i came home and did nothin cas i was grounded still:(well my mom came home from her boyfriends house and took me out so i could get black hair dye YES!!!,but i had to wait for my sister to get home so she could dye it for me:) and finally she came home and did it,so now my hair is all dark dark black and i look SOOO friggin emo,i sorta like it but not really i don't like to look emo anymore but oh well...well after that i just went on the computer and waited till it was almost time to go to church:)...well after like 10mins we left and went to church,and this time i was not listening at all,i seem to only listen to what they are saying in the morning cas then i have all day to think of what they were talking about,cas at night i just forget everything they say in less then 30mins haha...well me,devon,matt and mike were going to go to wendays but then we ended up not going:( and that sucked but oh well i came home and ate like soo friggin much:D:D but now i feel full which is good:)..well i started to watch the movie meet the fockers but i wanted to go on msn so i could talk to devon:D:D:D,so now my sister and her boyfriend and jess are watching it with my mom and her boyfriend...well neways today was fun for most of it i guess:D i'm glad i got to see devon:D:D well nothin else really happend today i don't think,soo i guess i will end it here.sooo bye
p.s i love you like its nothin devon<3
p.s devon your awesome and Amazing!!!