Graduation ceremony next Thursday. Still working, sleeping..the usual.
tupps z danni says:
hey have you blocked gillian ?
Loki says:
Loki says:
what's up?
tupps z danni says:
erm she sed shes on msn or she was anyway and you wernt up on her acount ?
Loki says:
Loki says:
maybe she's made yet another username and not told me about it
tupps z danni says:
heres gillian
Loki says:
Loki says:
You have just sent a Nudge!
tupps z danni says:
hey its gillian, y did you tell ma bro something i told yous not to, and why did make up that werent true
tupps z danni says:
1st of all i wasnt carried to anyone s house and i wasnt left by ma friends
tupps z danni says:
at any point n time that nite
Loki says:
actually I didn't
tupps z danni says:
i thought u s were mates but obviuosuly yous r not
tupps z danni says:
tupps z danni says:
micheal d phoned both ma parents becuase thats wit you kirsty n chris had said to michael n gemma wen u bumped into them
Loki says:
for a start
Loki says:
chris wasn't there
Loki says:
and I never said a word
tupps z danni says:
wot eva you and kirsty then but thats wot michael has said
Loki says:
Loki says:
not me and kirsty
Loki says:
tupps z danni says:
so ur tellin me u didnt bump n to michale n gemmma n tell them all that
Loki says:
Loki says:
try reading what I've been typing
Loki says:
and then responding
tupps z danni says:
wot r u sayin
Loki says:
it's pretty obvious if you read it
tupps z danni says:
nope not got it
Loki says:
Loki says:
you're accusing me of telling michael
Loki says:
I said no
tupps z danni says:
yes cos u did
Loki says:
no I didn't
tupps z danni says:
cos i certaintly didnt tell him
Loki says:
tupps z danni says:
my mates didnt
Loki says:
try reading what I wrote
Loki says:
and stop being a bitch for a minute
Loki says:
you then accused me chris and kirsty of telling
Loki says:
I said no, for a start chris wasn't there
Loki says:
you then accused me and kirsty
Loki says:
I said no, not me and kirsty
Loki says:
but kirsty
Loki says:
and still you accuse me
Loki says:
so blame me all you want if it makes you feel better
tupps z danni says:
look at the end of the day yous bumped into my borhter told him something i told yous to keep quiet,then made up that werent true thta i was carried to sumone s house n left by ma self
Loki says:
it's pretty obvious who did tell from reading what I've typed
tupps z danni says:
and obviously he then told ma parents
Loki says:
but you're still accusing me
Loki says:
when I didn't even speak to either michael or gemma
tupps z danni says:
do u wnat to call micheal
Loki says:
I never opened my mouth even to say hi
tupps z danni says:
go on
Loki says:
fuck sake! you still don't get it
Loki says:
Loki says:
Loki says:
want me to write it in ned for you?
Loki says:
or chinese?
tupps z danni says:
k,rite sorry , k i no sghe s ur sis but she s a immtuater little bitch for tellin ma bro something that i told yous no tot,and for making up that that werent true
Loki says:
fuck right off gill
tupps z danni says:
no yous can
tupps z danni says:
Loki says:
you're in no position to call anyone immature
tupps z danni says:
i am
tupps z danni says:
cos i dont repate stuff ppl tell me not to
tupps z danni says:
and i dont make up that aint true
Loki says:
you wan't to bitch at people for doing shit they didn't, bitch to someone else
Loki says:
or phone kirsty
tupps z danni says:
and thats excalty wot she did
Loki says:
I don't care what
Loki says:
but I won't take you lumping me into the equation either
tupps z danni says:
fine lets just not speak agina have a nice life n i rly think kirtsy pathetic for wot she did
tupps z danni says:
its funny i thought we were mates
tupps z danni says:
Loki says:
so why are you angry at me?
Loki says:
when I've done fuck all?
tupps z danni says:
k i thouht it was u at 1st and i said sorry,then i no i dissed ur sis but u tell me to fuck off
Loki says:
is it any wonder?
tupps z danni says:
to be ohnest i dont need mates who let me down
Loki says:
even after you apologised you still lumped me into it
tupps z danni says:
and y do u think im pissed off
tupps z danni says:
if i am sorry but y didnt u stop her form sayin all that
Loki says:
I don't care why you're pissed, you don't come on and falsely accuse people, not listen to a word they say and continue to equate them in the scenario when you've been told what actually happened
Loki says:
that's just weak
tupps z danni says:
look ma bor told me he bumped inot u s and it was ur name thta was comin up
Loki says:
good for him
Loki says:
I never even spoke to him to say hi
tupps z danni says:
ok i no it was kirsty but ill neva undertsnad y she backstabbed me like that n told that werernt true
Loki says:
let alone anything else
Loki says:
she didn't tell anything that you didn't tell us
tupps z danni says:
i did not say that i was left alone
tupps z danni says:
i did not say
Loki says:
neither did she
tupps z danni says:
i was carried to some ones house
tupps z danni says:
she did
Loki says:
I suggest you get your facts right
tupps z danni says:
at the end of the day i told yous not to repaet wot ihad said
tupps z danni says:
i ve got my facts rite
Loki says:
tupps z danni says:
im not
Loki says:
then stop saying "I told yous" you see that s at the end of "yous"? That makes it plural
Loki says:
all she said was that you had mentioned being exceedingly drunk when out with your friends
tupps z danni says:
y didnt u stop her form sayin all that thou
Loki says:
and that you thought you had been spiked
Loki says:
and that they helped you get home
tupps z danni says:
she said alot more thqan that
tupps z danni says:
and that werent true
Loki says:
no she fucking didnt
Loki says:
because, oddly enough I WAS THERE!
Loki says:
you weren't!
tupps z danni says:
i werent wot?
Loki says:
Loki says:
tupps z danni says:
look she said to michale that i was carried to sumones hous, n staggerrin abotu glasgow was the other thing,n also she said my mates left me
tupps z danni says:
all that wasnt true
Loki says:
no she didn't
Loki says:
she said exactly what I've told you
tupps z danni says:
she shud a kept her mouth shut n the 1st place
tupps z danni says:
it wasnt her buisnness to go round sayin
Loki says:
and still you're on here lecturing me about it
Loki says:
instead of calling her
Loki says:
is it because you're a coward?
tupps z danni says:
well read wot ive typed cos thats sum of wot she told micheal
tupps z danni says:
im not
Loki says:
tupps z danni says:
i wundt waste my cred
tupps z danni says:
she did
tupps z danni says:
cos thats wot micheal got told n then he told ma parenst
Loki says:
you know what? You obviously never valued our friendship to begin with if you'd think I'd lie about something so petty
tupps z danni says:
she shudt of said anythin wen i told her not to
Loki says:
you continue to say that she said extra
Loki says:
when I was there, heard it all
Loki says:
and you weren't
tupps z danni says:
well yous bviously didnt valus emy frinedship cos other wise you wudnt said kirsty dont say anythin and ashe wudnt of said anythin n the 1st place
Loki says:
it's not my responsibility to be somebody elses gag
Loki says:
and besides, she's responsible for her actions
tupps z danni says:
i thought u s were nates
Loki says:
just as you should be hers
tupps z danni says:
mates n trustworhty
Loki says:
you should be your own
tupps z danni says:
i was but i dotn do fake friends
Loki says:
it's you that's coming across as fake just now
tupps z danni says:
wot eva i wont wqst my time arguin abotu it anymore cos well muichael said to parnets wot ive typed
tupps z danni says:
no im not its yous thta r comin across as fake
Loki says:
How would you like it if I came online and started accusing you of shit you hadn't done, and then continued on even though you've been told what actually happened?
tupps z danni says:
im not accusin u no im tellin u wot ive bn told
Loki says:
you are accusing me
Loki says:
and you're blaming me
tupps z danni says:
n how i feel wot kirstys done
tupps z danni says:
im not
Loki says:
yeah you are
tupps z danni says:
im not
Loki says:
you keep lumping me in
tupps z danni says:
im not meain to
Loki says:
you keep on saying "yous" as in me and whoever else
tupps z danni says:
sorry she
Loki says:
and then you won't listen to a word I've told you
tupps z danni says:
i ve
Loki says:
no you haven't
Loki says:
you've simply argued that somehow you know better, when you weren't even there
Loki says:
and somehow I'm lying
tupps z danni says:
but iw ud thouht ive i turuste yous wiv somethin i no u didnt say but u cud stoped her im suppoesed to b ur mate
Loki says:
like I said, I'm not responsible for someone elses actions
Loki says:
I'm responsible for my own
Loki says:
as is she
Loki says:
and so should you be
tupps z danni says:
well i bleive wot my bro has told me, u dint rpl to ma txts and uve obvuiosuly blocke me on msn
Loki says:
if you were, you wouldn't be blaming everyone else for a problem of your own doing
Loki says:
no I haven't actually
Loki says:
I've not been on msn since 7am today
Loki says:
only came back on when I got back from work a couple of hours ago
tupps z danni says:
im not im blamming kristy for repating stuff i told yous nto to n making up n tellin ma bro
Loki says:
further more, my phone is only just on the charger
Loki says:
I don't have an everlasting battery
Loki says:
despite what you might believe
tupps z danni says:
look im not gnna argue ne more i thouth you wud at least have said kirsty dont say ne thing n i thouht i cud turst kirsty wiv sumthin not to tell michale
Loki says:
why should I say don't say anything?
Loki says:
when you had already told her?
tupps z danni says:
and i wudnt of thoguht she wud a made up bout me that werent true
Loki says:
do you think I'm your personal secretary?
Loki says:
Loki says:
I've told you exactly what she said
tupps z danni says:
i thought u were a mate
tupps z danni says:
she did
Loki says:
no she didn't
tupps z danni says:
i wasnt carried to anyones hosue
Loki says:
she never said that!
tupps z danni says:
i wasnt left alone
tupps z danni says:
she did
Loki says:
never said that either
tupps z danni says:
n also she said i was staggerin abotu glasgow
tupps z danni says:
which i wanst
Loki says:
yeah cause you couldn't stand
Loki says:
but she never said that either
tupps z danni says:
she did im sorry but thats wot ma bor said he headr from yous n told ma parenst
Loki says:
I don't care what your brother told your parents
Loki says:
she said only what I've told you she said
Loki says:
if you want to believe otherwise
tupps z danni says:
no she didnt
Loki says:
and ruin a friendship over not believing me
Loki says:
then fine go ahead
Loki says:
your beef is with her not me
Loki says:
and yet still it's me you're arguing with
Loki says:
and not her
Loki says:
how do you think that makes me feel?
tupps z danni says:
look i no my borhter is tellin tthe truth n he told ma prenst,n i TOLD her not to repeat wot id said
tupps z danni says:
k ill apologise sorry i
Loki says:
but you're not sorry
tupps z danni says:
but i thoguth as u were a met
Loki says:
not in the slightest
tupps z danni says:
u wud truied to stip kristy form sayin all that
Loki says:
no I wouldn't
tupps z danni says:
im am and its ur prob if u dotn beleive me
Loki says:
because as I've already explained
Loki says:
she's responsible for her actions
Loki says:
if she chose to say stuff she shouldn't have
Loki says:
I'm not going to try and stop her
Loki says:
because that would only make you into more trouble
Loki says:
because it'd look like you had a lot more to hide
tupps z danni says:
but if u dotn get wot im sayin not just you but u n kirsty if u backestabb ur mates liek thos u wont have many left i no u dodnt say all that but u didnt stop her eother n thats wot a frinend wuda done, n for her to repaet stuff i told her not to n to make up that aint true
Loki says:
you obviously don't care about anything I've said today
Loki says:
you've made up your mind already
tupps z danni says:
i have listened to wot u said but michela wudnt tella bunch of lised to ma parnest
Loki says:
maybe your parents got it wrong?
tupps z danni says:
and as i said if u were a mate u wuda stoped her
tupps z danni says:
they didnt
Loki says:
you know what
Loki says:
just leave me be. You keep inferring that I'm a liar, which I am not. You won't even entertain there's the possibility that either michael or your parents have made a mistake about what she said. I've told you already what she said, I've told you who was there and michael never even got that right. Chris wasn't there because he had a hangover from saturday night.
Loki says:
so already there was not entirely accurate information led back to you
Loki says:
but somehow that doesn't matter
tupps z danni says:
he didnt say chris he just said gig n that
Loki says:
n that being more than me and kirsty
tupps z danni says:
there is i have spoke to both mum n dad n michela himself
tupps z danni says:
u cud stoped her as i said thats wot a frined wud a done i cbnat frogive her for backstabbingme liek this
Loki says:
leave me be, I've got nothing left to say because you haven't acknowledged anything I've said
tupps z danni says:
i h ave
Loki says:
so it's pointless saying any more
Loki says:
no you haven't
tupps z danni says:
i h ave
Loki says:
you're stil trying to argue with me abotu what I should have done
tupps z danni says:
done wot any mate wud a done n told her not to say ne thign
Loki says:
how dare you try and tell me what to do, when I'm older than you and been in far worse scenarios than you, and therefor better able to handle them
tupps z danni says:
look fine lets just end it here
tupps z danni says:
ive got ever rte to voice ma opion
Loki says:
yeah, and every right it seems to completely disregard me
Loki says:
and mine
tupps z danni says:
and im tellin u wot u shida done cos its wot mates wud done
Loki says:
no it's not
Loki says:
had I done that
Loki says:
you'd have been in worse trouble
tupps z danni says:
no iw udnt ov
Loki says:
your mum would have been on the phone to me
tupps z danni says:
no thry wudnt ov
Loki says:
trying to find out what I'd tried to stop kirsty from saying
tupps z danni says:
they wudbt of
Loki says:
yeah they would
Loki says:
because they have befor
Loki says:
tupps z danni says:
she shudbt of said anythin especailly that werent true
Loki says:
I've known your parents longer than you
Loki says:
you'd do well to remember that
tupps z danni says:
not about me
tupps z danni says:
ive got nuffin left to say i rly thoguth u swere gd mates anway i ve lsitned to everythin uv said and i no it wasnt u
tupps z danni says:
anyway b ye
Loki says:
Loki says:
next time you wanna bitch, do it to somebody else
Loki says:
like maybe the person you're pissed off at
Loki says:
that'd be a good start
Not entirely worth reading, but some people might be bored.