(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 06:03

Wow, updating two days in a row! I need to slow down! /sarcasm

So...yes. I don't know what to tell you all about really because most stories about my life at the minute would require rather large explanations and I really can't be bothered to type that much at the moment, so I will try to keep it simple

Christmas was good in pressie terms, shite in work terms. Fecking extended opening hours sucked royally, as did working on bloody New Years Day. I think I must have seen, ooh, maybe 3 customers all day?? Clearance has finally ended at least, and I finally have some of my holidays looming on the horizon, so that makes it worth it (almost). Work aside, I got some great pressies including a diamond ring from Paul (my first diamonds! Wow! We aren't engaged or anything though, don't get any ideas... I've already got my grandma and my effing siblings jabbiting on about how I'll be the next to get hitched "When is it? blah blah blah" Wierdos...), a lovely Radley bag I've been oggling for ages (I think Paul used his life savings on me this Christmas) and some church candles, CDs, DVDs, perfume, games, Kazuki book (ZOMG I LOVE YOU BECCA! Thought there is an extremely questionable picture of him posing with a breadstick in there... Let's just say he's got a big mouth...) yadee yadee yada.

Paul and I got up at half five on the morning the Wii came out to go to GAME in town and join the queue to get ours. It opened at seven, and the crowds were surprisingly calm, though the man in front of us seemed to be buying anything he could get his hands on to do with it! I bought Twilight Princess (of course) and Red Steel with mine. Wii Sports is really really excellent, and hysterical when there's many of you playing! Paul was a pro in seemingly a couple of days, whereas I totally pwned him on bowling and golf. I finished Zelda last week, and immediately went to start playing it again. It is such an incredible game, and I'm not just saying that because I'm an obsesssive fangirl (zomg Becca I was in a trance every cut-scene he was in, I know you will be the same when you play it fully!), it's stunning. Brilliant plot, gameplay, the graphics are beautiful and Link is SOOO lovely in it! I'm ploughing through Red Steel at the minute, which is also excellent, and I've discovered jusy how tiring sword-fighting can be...

Anyway, must dash. Speak to you all again tomorrow I hope.

games, christmas, work

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