May 02, 2006 11:25
So...yeah. Yesterday was a very productive day, finished the Social Life essay (thank god) though I just have to check one reference in the library today and then get it printed off. So last uni essay done, huzzah! Apart from that I did quite a bit of revision for our texts exam (a week tomorrow), copied up some notes, did an introduction for the texts lecture, watched Laura and Becs play on Zelda, watched some Harry Potter and then ER, had a shower, spoke to Paul...I think that's about it! Oh, and I was searching on ebay again, having actually finished buying gifts then deciding I could actually spend a bit more money on both Becci and Laura ><;; I found THE BEST PRESENT EVAR for Becs, got very excited, and decided to enquire about postage. I wake up this morning to find a very nice message back, so go and check the item again to discover it has ended. Fab. That's that plan down the swanny, though I am bidding on something else very cool, and appear to be in a war with another person for it. The bitch won't win... ^^
Today we have the last Foreign Relations lecture, which means the last Snape lecture ever! *sniff* We need to put really nice cheery messages on his module assessment thingy which will fill in today! After that I will run into the library to get the page number for that reference, then I assume it will be lunchtime, and then off to Tescos for we are sans food in the flat at the minute. Then back to revision, joy ><;