the adventure that was my day.

May 21, 2005 10:26

Walk only half the way you thought you would walk,
then get there only to find you've forgotten what you were walking for.
A generally pessimistic attitude towards searching the ground,
only proven it works.....reward? 25 cents.
a bus ride with metal heads, being forced to say they'd kill us,
followed by a lengthly brisk walk through the scuzzy streets of hell.
that forced through a pile of shoulder shaking attitude,
and triggered an epiphany that everyone is ugly.
and finally to our destination, and was it ever a blast.
Being penetrated by small sharp metal, willingly, happened fast.
berry sent us off and we hit up DQ, it was the best damn ice cream ever,
then we walked the brisk walk and repeatedly froze time, in a little silver box i own.
sex pictures on the bus,
placed in interesting fetal positions,
miss where we weren't supposed to,
walk to get bath salt...(helps for relaxation)
play dough and pencils,
late phone calls and gum balls,
when finally we wait on a step that screams "sit",
and are bombarded with overzealous plants that should stay where they're planted.....

fucking plants.

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