Challenge 81: Lie To Me

Nov 08, 2013 14:58


Due Date and Time: Monday 25 November, 3 pm EST/8 pm GMT countdown
Number of times you can enter: 15

• Comment with two truths and one lie. They can be personal, fandom-related, whatever.
• Guess the lies.
• You can guess once on each person.
• You get points even if you are wrong, but if someone else has already guessed and gotten the answer you can't guess again (and get points).
• When you reveal, please only tell people if they got it right or wrong. Don't reveal any additional information about the other facts.

EG. I've had my poetry published.
I have a sister.
I share a birthday with my cousin.

If you guessed that I've had my poetry published is a lie, I'd say no. This leaves it open for others to guess. :)

• 2 points for each comment you make with truths and lies.
• 2 points for each time you guess on someone else.
• 30 points max.

Questions: to the question thread in this post.

challenge: game

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