Title: Turnabout Intruder in My Pants (Epilogue)
the_deep_magicPairing: Pinto
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 830
Warnings: crack, overused fandom trope, willing suspension of disbelief (please?)
Disclaimer: so very, very untrue
Summary: bodyswap!fic
A/N: What was begun at Beanfest 2010 was concluded at Beanfest 2011, and shall be posted forthwith. If you
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Ok, I was already excited to begin with, just from seeing this finished, but this? This right here? GREATEST EPILOGUE EVER.
“The O’Flannery brothers know about more than auto repair, Nealy boy. Much, much more.”
How did this happen? How is this real? My brain cannot process this level of awesome in one sitting okay. It just can't.
If I wasn't already infatuated with every word you write, this would've sealed the deal. Know that.
I love this comment so much I am going to cuddle it (and only grope it a little).
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