Nov 01, 2011 23:46
Somewhere around Sunday, I realized that the idea of Nanowrimo was stressing me waaaay the fuck out, and I mentioned it to my mom, who said, "Wait, so... there's no prize at the end. There's no penalty if you don't do it. So... why are you stressing out about this?" Excellent point. So I've decided to cheat. Or join the Rebel Faction, at least. I will attempt to put together 50,000 words of creative writing of SOME type by the end of the month, be it my main project (a sort-of-but-not-quite fictionalized account of my time working at a science center), random gay erotica, or fanfic. If I'm desperate, I might include essaying and LJing.
I have a feeling I'm going to get desperate. Because 1,666.66 words a day? Is a fuck of a lot of words. For me. And what I have so far on my main project is... pretty bad. I need my Internal Critic to edit as I go, even though I know the point is to get the fuck over that and just WRITE. Sigh... I'm not going to make the quota for today. Not even if I count this. ::facepalm::