sending love across the ocean

Jul 20, 2006 16:49


well i´m here in nicaragua.

It's crazy. even this keyboard everything is different so it took me like 30mins to figure out how to write my password.

well so far i´ve met a lot of family some i remember some i don´t. the place hasn´t changerd much in the past 6 years. my cousins aren´t so bad. the food is AWESOME i´ve eaten soooo much.

In the first 10 mintues of being here i counted 14 stray dogs. it´s sad. theres a lot of animaels here. and out of the 54670943583 cows i´ve seen only 3 were black and white. kjdghdfn what is that?

well i´ve been riding horses and it was fun. next i plan on climimg the mountain as soon as it doesn´t rain one of these days. then hit the disco tecas today and i´m still waiting for my uncle to play pool with me since i don´t dare go in alone with all these men whistling 24/7. ughhh.

well i miss everybody. and smoetimes i want to leave already, but hey i don´t come here every day. and i´m sure when my other cousins form the states get here it´ll be more fun.

well miss my taquitos and my wife.

AND FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS TO MAYTE cuz i doubt i´ll be on for another while!!!!
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