Jun 11, 2008 23:34
GREAT. it's about time. one less thing to worry about. i live my life with little worry and can usually keep my troubles to a list of two or three. so it's pretty relieving when i can scratch one of those worries and continue on with the floating through the present that i seem to be constantly doing. there's a certain corner that i've half heartedly tried to turn for the past...five years that i can't seem to quite turn. i really have not put any sort of real effort into solving this problem. in fact i've become pretty good at just constantly living with it eventhough it's totally something that i can solve relatively easily. i'm just a dumbass. and it's come up numerous times and i am always determined to get in gear and knock it out but really, i just falter and then i'm right back where i started. here i am. once again having just dealt with it again...scratching it off my list...again...and i'm faced with the same two paths i've had in front of me on multiple occasions and i have the pleasure of choosing which road i'm going to take. unghhhhh. fuuuunnnnkkkkk. whatever. i'm at the end of my rope so might as well make a real push for the right choice for once. it's not like i have anything better to do.
on a lighter note i really do like the vampire weekend album. i'm pretty sure if i ever made a cd in my life i would have wanted it to be this one. a ultra buzzed indie band from new york city whose influences are classical and african music. one that's cooky and original enough that i could ride it's magic carpet of popularity into doing an annoying amount of fancy indie festivals. living the dream haha.