Fatal Mistakes,

May 29, 2009 19:02

Title: Fatal Mistakes.
Characters/Pairings: None.
Rating: PG-13?
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing!
Warnings: Character death!


Four days exactly after ryan went back home with his mother, kirsten has decided that maybe they should ride down and check on him, just in case, since he can't be reached by phone. At least that's her excuse when Seth, or Sandy asks. The truth is the guilt is starting to eat her alive inside.

It's a long and quiet drive, and when they reach the house it's dark, the yard is messy, and the house is un-kept and her guilt manages to grow a little bigger. They walk up to the door, and Sandy knocks and the door pops open on it's own; that's when her hearts starts pounding. Sandy tells her to stay back as he walks in, but she doesnt listen, because when he turns on the light in the empty house- she's the first one who spots him.

He's huddled in the corner, still, silent, bruised, and broken. Lifeless.  Sandy's calling 911, Seth's retching in the bushes, and she drops down beside him on the floor so hard her knees probably tore through her jeans. His eyes are open and empty, but they still manage to burn through to her soul.

They bury him beside her mother, only five people attend the funeral.


She doesn't remember the exact day she starts noticing something isn't right, she  feels like something's following her, and every once in awhile she'll catch something move out of the corner of her eye. She never says anything to anyone, though, her family is already falling apart.

It's a tuesday when she's home alone; exactly one week after the funeral when shes coming in the kitchen, and as she turns to pour her coffee, there on the patio is ryan standing silent, she drops her mug, grabs her keys and runs straight out of the house. She doesn't come home until sandy does, but she never tells him.  She never stays at the house alone anymore, but ryan's still there, lurking around every corner, but never utters a word.

After two weeks of being afraid, she finally gathers up the courage to ask him what he's doing here, he smiles and just says "I was the happiest here" and ducks his head and walks away.

"And perhaps the most painful thought of all is that I failed you.

That fact haunts me everywhere I go, staring me in the face.

I can't escape it..no matter how hard I try."

FYI: [Mistakes are all mine & I know there is alot of them]

fanfiction, fandom:theoc

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