Nov 20, 2004 19:08
I take everything way too seriously and not nearly seriously enough.
All week all I think about is the weekend. The weekend means band practice and hanging out with Jordan, Chad, Ricky, and Sean: the guys in Carrion. The only people who I feel accepted around. Unfortunately, they go to a different school, so I can't hang out with them as often as I'd like. This weekend, I got jewed out of practice because of my sisters' birthday. The time I probably needed it most.
Take some time and step back. Look at people for who they really are. You'll find out that even the people you hold in the highest respect really are disgusting people. I mean everyone. No one is an acception. Turn this veiw on yourself too. You are disgusting, too. I am, you are, everyone is. No one is more worthy of respect than anyone else.
I know way too many mentally/emotionally instable people. I don't have anything against them, but sometimes it gets annoying when the person you really enjoyed being with a few days ago just isn't there anymore.
It's really funny when people fall for sluts. They think they've found something real and BAM!, just kidding. He/she doesn't like you. They just fucked/fucked with you for God-knows-what kind of a reason.
I really want some apple crisp right now.
This journal is has been, still is, and will in all likliness continue to be completely pointless. Whatever, I enjoy posting, so you still get to read my ramblings.