I had posted an entry on this same topic on Friday. A few hours later, I took it down. It was far too long and, as such, was too prone to being partially read / partially misread-- an idea I did not like, given a rather sensitive topic.
porn_this_way got in touch with me, and had apparently read what I'd written before I'd removed it. The resulting fun back-
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I've long thought that the Internet's self-publishing facility is a beautiful thing for humanity, but increasingly I'm not so sure of that at all. I *am* pretty convinced that it's enabling people with all the wrong ideas to collaborate and "corroborate" and whip themselves into a frenzy over this or that non-event, just as it's enabled smart people to get more things done together. I'm not necessarily speaking of *this* event, I'm thinking more of things like the birther movement. But I see spooky parallels here for certain.
With Michael Richards, there was video proof of what was said. And the whole world pretty much looked at that and said, "Yyyyyeah."
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