So, the good news is I got to meet Peter Davison again. ^_^
A friend and I went to the matinee tonight.
It was fantastic as always.
(Don't forget girls - tomorrow is his last performance!!)
So, after a fantastic show, (Row A, central seats, dress circle), me and my friend hung around by the stage door.
You know, just in case?
I wasn't very hopeful, seeing as they had the next performance in an hour.
BUT - I managed to meet, not only one of the Ensemble knights, but alsoe Nina Soderquist, the new Lady.
Who is awesome, I have to say. I was rather biased when I went in there, having heard Marin Mazzie first, but meh.
She swayed me, (they changed some of her lyrics, too). She was awesome.
But, even better, I got to meet Patsy!!
And he was so nice - Stood outside in the freezing cold, chatting to us.
We eventually asked if there was any chance of meeting anyone else, but he said no, since they were about to get their half hour call.
But he DID say to us to go sit in the pub down the road, (even directed us to a cheap one), and to come back shortly before 10:40, when the next show ends. ^_^
So we did.
And we got to meet Petey, as well as all the main knights, and Prince Herbert. ^_^
Amidst others!
And Patsy, again, who remembered us, and was surprised we'd actually done it!
But when Petey came out, I got him to sign my program, and had a picture took.
But....the flash didn't go off...Will explain that in a moment.
Here's the piccie, after a bit of tinkering with light levels.
He had his arm round me........ *melts* camera....
After going the first time, and getting caught right after the fisch schlapping song with her camera, Hurricane Ally, (that's me, btw), had this bright idea....
She was certain that it was the light from the preview screen that gave her away, as she was pretty secretive, and there was really no other way.
So........What does Ally do?
She took her more-than-£350 top of the range, 8 Megapixel, 10x Optical zoom, brand new camera........and painted over it's screen.
Yup, thats right. Sat in Walkabout, right before the showing, with her Medium rare Kangaroo steak, painting the screen of her camera with a mix of PVA glue, and black Citadel/Warhammer acrylic paint.
And then she turned the flash off.
---------------------- worked.....just one problem.
I couldn't see where the lens was pointing, could I?
So I have 4 videos of Terry Gilliams lovely clouds.
Plus some photo's....
And I forgot to turn the flash back on before handing my camera over to some random guy to take a piccie....
Bah!! At least I have 2 pics with him now...
Well.....4, really, cos 3 were taken the first time I met him...
If anyone is interested, I'll post them, but they're only really good for audio.
(And judging the new Lady).
But...should anyone else want to try it, it DOES work - just make sure you have a decent view!!
Edit: Also - I grabbed a handful of flyers, with Petey pics in them, should anyone want one?
I figured I'd grab them, as they'll be replacing them soon.
I have one reserved for Phe, as I said I would, but I have 4 spare.
If anyone would like one, let me know - It would be first come first served, (only 4!!), and you would have to email me a postal address. :)
(International posting not an issue!)
Sorry - All flyers have now been claimed!!