It may be of interest to some on this community that I recently made an All Creatures Great And Small Mood Theme - which is actually a Tristan & Siegfried mood theme. *g*
If you'd like the Farnons on your LJ, you can download the theme
here (.rar archive).
Or first
have a look at the mood icons you're going to get.
a few instructions, if you really have no idea how to install a mood theme:
download the archive and upload the images to your own server or an image hoster (like photobucket)
go to
customize journal style click "create/edit custom mood theme". Enter a name for the new mood theme and hit "create".
The last part is rather tedious, as you have to copy the url of each mood icon into the LJ mood editor - and don't forget to specify the image size of each icon. (100x55 pixels in this case)