life lessons from a tube of toothpaste

Aug 16, 2016 16:17


Well my dear ones,

I am running behind on encouraging things;

the passing of my Mom took a lot from me;

thank God, I know I’ll see her again

past heaven’s gate.

And one thing I’m really happy about

is that, while she was here,

I told her like a million times

how much I love her;

hence, if you have someone you love,

someone who has been a huge

influence on your life,

please tell them,

...even if you’ve told them before can’t say I love you,

or tell someone that you care,

too many times... me on that. J

Anyway, back to some encouraging words

that you can live by; but first off,

I have to say that these are not mine;

they came to me from my friend, Ashley,

and the story belongs to Amy:

My daughter starts middle school tomorrow.

We've decorated her locker,

bought new uniforms,

even surprised her with a new backpack.

But tonight just before bed,

we did another pre-middle school task

that is far more important than the others.

I gave her a tube of toothpaste

and asked her to squirt it out onto a plate.

When she finished, I calmly asked her

to put all the toothpaste back in the tube.

She began exclaiming things like

"But I can't!" and

"It won't be like it was before!"

I quietly waited for her to finish

and then said the following:

"You will remember this plate of toothpaste

for the rest of your life.

Your words have the power of life or death.

As you go into middle school,

you are about to see

just how much weight your words carry.

You are going to have the opportunity

to use your words to hurt,

demean, slander and wound others.

You are also going to have the opportunity

to use your words to heal,

encourage, inspire and love others.

You will occasionally make the wrong choice;

I can think of three times this week

I have used my own words carelessly

and caused harm.

“Just like this toothpaste,

once the words leave your mouth,

you can't take them back.

Use your words carefully, Breonna.

When others are misusing their words,

guard your words.

Make the choice every morning

that life-giving words

will come out of your mouth.

Decide tonight that you are

going to be a life-giver in middle school.

Be known for your gentleness and compassion.

Use your life to give life to a world

that so desperately needs it.

You will never, ever regret choosing kindness."

Thank you, Amy!

That’s a wonderful illustration

of some great advice; I love it! =D

grace, peace, and love to you,

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