Welcome to the_darklight!

Sep 25, 2004 17:00

This community has been established for discussion about, and posting of fanfic for, the Sci Fi Pictures movie Darklight, starring Shiri Appleby, Richard Burgi, John De Lancie and David Hewlett, which was premiered on the Sci Fi channel on 18th September 2004.

Your friendly mods are fingers, fluterbev and rhyo, all of whom are dedicated fans of Mr. Burgi in particular.

The guidelines are simple.

1. We assume everyone here is an adult, and can act accordingly. Lively discussion is encouraged, but no flames please. Trolls will be fed to Lilith.

2. Gen, het and slash fics are welcome, although please use the appropriate headers as shown below, and place stories behind cut tags.

3. All stories posted should display the following information above the cut tag:

Category (gen, het, slash)
Rating (G - NC-17)
Warnings (where applicable - use your discretion as to whether it is necessary)
Summary (short and to the point)

Other information, such as story notes, acknowledgements etc, may be added at the author’s discretion.

4. The mods reserve the right to change or add to these guidelines should the situation warrant it. However, our doctrine is far simpler than that of The Faith, so we’ll start off with a small uncomplicated list and hope for the best!
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