[Music|Pearl Jam - Last Kiss (Mood, b/c it starts with an R.)]
Today I am seventeen years old, and I don't think I'm ready for it...
Just a couple of minutes ago I saw a picture of the sexy-voiced actor Kevin Conroy for the first time, and let me just say that if you think his voice isn't so bad to listen to... Honey you ain't seen nothin' yet! Look though I gotta go get in the shower, and figure out what my birthday outfit should be. I won the raffle for Media club today... well more like I won 1/27ths of it, and I was pulled #6. Well goodnight all, after school I gotta go to the library, then I'm gonna try for the North Market to say my final farewells to Tina. Bye! Much Love all! Ciao.
I Love you Andy K.
-Miss Rebekah N. Kay -seventten years old today.
In my head all day (the 15th I don't know why) Pearl Jam~~Last Kiss, but first song sang @ midnight, Avril~~Happy Ending.