
Feb 21, 2005 02:15

[Music|True/OTWD, Number1, Somebody, Almost, Shut Up, BSBQPG, NFGMFOU]

As I look out my window, I look onto better times, more simple times, and I wish I had everything to live over, things I would tell myself, the very same things I had heard from others, but at the time didn't listen. I know though If I could tell myself, I'd listen. Totally. :-) I miss Megan, stupidly this is the second time I realized how wonderful she is compared to all others. How she knows what makes me happy and what would in a million years still not make me happy, whereas others who should know at least that if they were to do something (in particular) there's no way in hell it would make me happy. *rolls eyes* Dumbass... You ever have one of those days where you're just so... unexpecting then everything kinda hits you at once, and as the plane is crashing down you're thinking... Jeeze it 'aint over yet?
And Don't it just piss you off when people missspell such common words that you wanna strangle 'em. Shit, but anyway, now that that's over and I'm back to the shit-hole where I had found myself before, I suppose I'll carry out some of my former plans... well Greta it's just me, you and that sexy conniving mind of yours. We're gonna have a lotta fun together. Especially at Heather's house, and we all know exactly where Heather lives. This time I'm already over it, took maybe an hour... not bad, considering, but we'll see. All in all, wait...

Is this really what I want? No it's not... only one thing should be done right away, the others can wait... or be drawn out. Okay, sounds good to me...

Britney Spears touches herself way too much, and the Victoria's secret at Eastland doesn't have near enough stuff as the one at Easton, even though they're makeup stuff is much better, and the salesbroads at Eastland don't bother you NEAR as much as the ones at Easton.

Oh well me and bgf number 1.2 can go to Victoria's tomorrow, and I'll have her model for me ;-) Just Kidding. Oh and that reminds me I was thinking about Angel A. all day, and I still can't get her off of my mind, I was gonna buy that Shaggy CD for her, because when I was in the shower singing
"Angel of the Morning" I thought of "Angel" by Shaggy, and I figured that was the perfect gift for
Angel A. But then I forgot... and now that I'm thinking of it again I'm thinking "Huh.....*smiles* how interesting how things work out dontcha think?" *smiles again*, look it's almost midnight in California, and Senol's probably already up so I gotta go, hey look it's 2:49 huh 26 minutes into the 21st huh how... interesting that I'd look at the clock now. Goodnight.

-My Two life guidelines... "I Just Wanna live" by GC(Of course).
And "Thank You" by Simple Plan. and don't worry it's not really a song of thanks, more as a song about friends, oh yes... that F-word, friends and how great they are. Well I must be off, almost time to go to a Gay Bar, And you know I wanna take you to a Gay Bar (That one's for you Moe) I still love you babe, and please stop with the false hope you're giving me, don't be annonoymus N-E-more. Luv Ciao!

-La Rosa Del Diablo, De Siempre Y Para Siempre. La Vaccacion De Mi Espera Sera Ir Al California. And that's all I had to say... *rolls eyes* it's over now. Ciao Kelsey, and Torrie ;-)

-*Scoffs* Impodent ass hole. :-D
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