last time I updated, I was conflicted about buying myself a new computer. I actually resisted temptation and only bought a few parts (new gigantic screen and a replacement for a dying power supply) totaling well under the $500 I thought was reasonable. So, that turned out well. Color me flabbergasted.
Still on the money front, I'm making a bit of headway on my debt repayment. I'm down to a bit over 32k now. If all goes according to plan, it should all be gone in a little under 2 years. *knocks on wood* And by then, I should also have a nice chunk of a down-payment for my own place.
I moved into my very own office (with a door!) on Friday at work. Yay!
My weight is stagnating at the 240 mark (30 pounds less than I weighed last year at this very date). I guess I really need to start getting off my ass and work out. Ugh.
I don't know if I've discussed this here, but both my parents have been warned by their doctors to cut waaay down on their salt intake. Turns out their kidneys are only operating at around 50% and if it keeps dropping, they could end up needing dialysis (under 30% IIRC). Now, my mother always did the cooking at home and she didn't salt much beyond a few pinches here and there so that ain't the source of the problem. It's all the salt that the food industry sneaks into all kinds of food to make it tastier without costing them much.
With that in mind, I've cut down on salt too for the last few months. Grocery shopping takes me twice as long now because finding stuff that is low in salt or actually salt-free is quite an ordeal. Still, since it's a problem both my parents have, I figured I should probably do some prevention of my own.