Kicking the DW tires

May 03, 2009 12:11

minotaurs was kind enough to send a DreamWidth invite my way. (Thanks again!) If I'm given invite codes, I'll pay it forward.

I've imported everything from LJ into my new DW account
darkglow and setup things so that what I post there gets posted into LJ too (but with comments disabled, I believe). Testing it with this post. If you want to test commenting with OpenID using this post, please go ahead. *g*

I don't know that I'll move there unless most of my flist does, but I can't say I dislike their site. Sure, there are a lot less style options and the "reading page" (aka flist) is limited to 1000 entries or two weeks, but still, I like the vibe I get from them.

Anyways, we'll see what happens.

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

lj, dw

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