These and that

Jun 20, 2006 15:25

Ok I have been a bad girl, not updating my journal and all, but I have being quite busy lately with paperwork and working in my Chlark fics an my original stories too. I'm bubbling with inspiration lately, but my health has been a pain so thing aren't going as fast as I was expecting. Besides I'm a tangled heap of confusion lately, a little lost too. I have so many paths before my eyes that I don't know which one I should take and I can only hear the sound of time tickling, passing me by.

I have been baking again, baking cakes and cookies used to relax me so I have picked up the habit again. My first chocolate cake after six years of culinary vacations was a success, so I'm quite happy about it. Did I tell you that I'm addited to polls and quizzes? *cocking head lightly* Well I'm, I love them...all of them, it's one of my various hobbies if you can call them that *rollseyes*. In a way I'm getting back to my roots, because I'm thinking of start painting again. Writing, painting, sculpting, reading used to make me feel elated, so I'm trying to work again in these little pleasure. That remains me of my passion for Japanese I should begin studying it again. lol

I think that I'm going to leave you with a quiz I took, it was so damn accurate, almost frightening. lol

Sorry if I made you dizzy jumping from a subject to another I always ramble, I can be so random at times.

What Is Your Daemon?

EAGLE or HAWK - your daemon may be some kind of bird of prey. Yours is a strong spirit, and a fierce sense of liberty. You cannot be confined. You may be shrewdly observant, and like to be aware of everything that goes on around you. You will fight fiercely for the things that are most important to you, and you are definitely a force to be reckoned with. Still, you are not vicious by nature and would prefer to be left in peace. You probably value your solitude very highly - not that you don't enjoy company, but sometimes you just need to be alone - otherwise you begin to feel caged in and confined. You might want to take a drive on your own, just to feel the road beneath you, or to sit alone on your balcony, watching the world go by.
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quizzes, paths and art

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